Come Back

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   Denki called me that night, apparently Eraserhead wasn't trying to capture me. According to Denki he wanted to talk, but I really wasn't interested in talking to a pro-hero, let alone Eraserhead. Yet somehow here I am, on my way to UA to talk wuth Eraserhead. It took Denki multiple hours to convince me to come to this, and I'm only doing this because of him, otherwise I'd be out on a mission right now.
   As I approached UA I saw Denki standing outside the gates waiting for me. I had one condition for this meeting, Denki had to be with me the entire time. I walked up and greeted Denki before he took me to where Eraserhead wanted to talk. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, who wouldn't be? Being face to face with pros is a villain's worst nightmare, I hated everything about this.
   We got close enough to where I could see Eraserhead waiting through a window, that's when I felt my nerves peak. We walked into the buidling and instantly went to the room where Eraserhead was waiting. I had a high desire to just dip, but Denki gave me a reassuring look before he took my hand and walked into the room. As we entered Eraserhead stood up, "Hello Shinso, thank you for coming."
   I didn't say anything in response, I just took a seat across from him. Eraserhead took the hint and sat back down, attempting to try and make small talk. "So how've you been? I'm guessing you're the father of Kaminari's baby, are you excited?"
   "Can we skip this whole nice act and get to the point? I'd like to go back home before my family gets back." I said as I crossed my arms.
   Eraserhead sighed, "If that's what you want, sure. I called you here today for two reasons. The first being Kaminari's pregnancy."
   I cocked an eyebrow, "What about it?"
   "Principal Nezu and I just wanted to know what plans you guys had. We wanted to make sure you had enough financial support. We also wanted to know where the baby would be staying and other things like that. We wanted to offer UA as-"
   I held a hand up, "Yeah, no thanks. We already have everything planned out, they're staying with me so Denki can focus on school. That's all you need to know. The second reason?"
"The principal and I talked about this a lot between ourselves along with the staff and students. We want you to come back to UA."
   I laughed, thinking he was joking. Denki quickly stood up, "Wait, Toshi can come back?"
   Eraserhead nodded, giving me a soft smile. I felt my eye twitch, "Why?" I asked.
   "We see potential in you, Shinso. We think that you can still be saved. There's still hope for you, you can start over and begin a path on the right side. You can become a hero." Eraserhead replied.
   I scoffed, "Saved? There's nothing to save. For your information, I'm happy being a villain. I'm happy with the life that I have, I like it exactly as it is. You must be out of your damn mind if you think I'd even consider coming back here. I'd never dream of becoming a hero." I stood up to leave but Denki grabbed my arm.
   "You don't want to come back? I though you liked being at UA." Denki said, a confused look on his face.
   "I hate it here, Denki. The only reason I even bother coming here anymore is because I love you. I like you, not UA. As much as I enjoyed being in your class, being around so many heroes makes me feel sick." I replied.
   Denki looked at me, disappointed. "Oh, ok."
   "Can I leave now?" I asked.
   "You can, but just think about it, Shinso. The offer still stands." Eraserhead said as I walked out the door, Denki following me.
"You coming back with me?" I asked Denki.
He nodded, "I am, though I don't know how much longer I'll be able to make this walk." Denki replied as he placed a hand on his abdomen.
   "I can figure something out, I can always steal a car or something like that."
   Denki laughed, "Don't do that, maybe Shigaraki has access to a car."
   "Maybe, I'll definitely ask." By the time we got back to base Denki was fairly out of breath. I tried carrying him at some point but there was no comfortable way of doing so because of how big the baby's gotten. The first thing I did when we got back was go off to find Tomura. "Crusty, you here?"
"In my room brat." I heard him say. I walked to his room and found him submerged in a video game.
"Question, do you have access to a car that I can use? It's getting hard for Denki to make the walk here."
"I'll be the one driving, but yes, I do have access to a car. Just let me know when you need a ride, I have no problem driving him there and back." Tomura replied, instantly going back to his game.
I thanked him then went back to find Denki, who was in the kitchen. "You want me to make you something? Dabi's taught me how to cook a few things."
   Denki quickly nodded, "You should add this to it." He said, handing me a jar of pickles. I looked at him, confused. "Cravings, don't judge me. This week's top spot has gone to pickles and things that taste like pickles." I laughed before getting to work, throwing together what I felt would taste best with the pickles.
   When I finished I brought the food to Denki, who was now sitting at the bar. I sat the plate down in front of him then took a seat next to him. He thanked me before starting to eat, after his first bite his eyes widened. "Toshi, you need to cook for me more often. This is really good." He said, a wide smile on his face.
   "That I can do." I replied right as the door slammed open. In stumbled Hawks, currently wrapped up in one of his and Dabi's famous walking make out sessions. This happens too much for my liking. I sighed then threw something off the bar at them, "Keep that shit in your room, I don't need to see that."
   "Talk about rude." Dabi teased, flipping me off before going to his room with Hawks.
    "Was that-"
   "It was, he's been fucking Dabi for quite a while. They do that shit all the time." I replied, annoyed. This made Denki laugh, "What's so funny?"
   "Nothing, I just never pictured that Hawks would be into someone like Dabi."
"I don't necessarily think they're into eachother, I think they're both just looking for a good fuck. That may just be Hawks though, I think Dabi just likes making Crusty jealous." I replied.
Denki nodded and after that things were silent as Denki finished eating. When he was done he turned to me, a slightly sad look on his face, "You really don't want to come back to UA?"
"Honestly, I don't. I know the only reason I was there was for a mission but I never felt right when I was there. I'm not meant to be a hero. The only reason I ever want to go there is for you, though I wouldn't want to attend it ever again. I belong here with the league, not at UA." I replied.
Denki nodded, a smile slightly appearing on his face, "I understand, you know I wouldn't force you to attend again. As long as you visit me then that's all I want." Denki got up from his chair and took his empty plate to the kitchen. "I'm going to take a nap in your room, don't forget we're going to my parent's later tonight."
I sighed as he walked away. I had forgotten about that, though now that I remember I'm dreading it. His parents still give me hell whenever I go over there, or at least his mom does. I went into the living room to distract myself, trying to prepare for the hell that's to come later tonight.

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