Meeting the League

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I broke away from Denki, looking back to see Tomura standing there with wide eyes. "If I'm interrupting something I'll just, um, yeah." Tomura said as he slowly backed away.
"No, you're fine. I don't quite fully understand what's going on myself." I replied.
"What's happening is you're agreeing to be mine. Forever." Denki said with a smug smile. I pushed him off of me.
"And that's it, go back to the dorms. We're done here."
  I started getting up but Denki grabbed onto my legs, "No wait, I'm sorry! Please let me stay here tonight!"
I looked down at him, shocked, "You want to stay here? In a villain's base?"
Denki sheepishly nodded, "If it's um, alright with you guys."
   I looked over at Tomura for his answer. Tomura sighed then turned around, "Bring him in, he already knows where base is so might as well." He said before walking back to the kicthen. Denki and I followed close behind him, the other member's eyes locking on Denki.
   "Isn't that one of the UA kids? What the hell's he doing here?" Dabi asked.
   "He just showed up and refused to leave, Tomura's letting him stay tonight." I replied as I sat back down, Denki taking the empty seat next to me.
   "What the hell, Crusty? He could be a spy." Dabi said while pointing at Denki.
   "Calm down, Staples. He already knows where base is and hasn't brought anyone with him. Besides, Toshi needs this." Tomura replied.
   Dabi sighed in frustration as Himiko ran over to Denki and threw her arms around him. "Is this the boy you told me about, Toshi?" Himiko asked, a smile on her face. I nodded my head and her smile grew. "We have to do introductions! Alright, so I'm Toga, the guy with the staples is Dabi, that's Crusty, over there is Twice, and the others already took off."
   Denki awkwardly shifted in his seat, nodding. "You guys can call me Denki, i-it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot from Hitoshi."
   "He talked about us?" Himiko asked.
    Denki nodded, "A lot, actually. He constantly told me stories about you guys raising him."
   Tomura gave me a slick smile, "Aw, Toshi~ You talk about us to your boyfriend? You must really care about us."
   I stood up and shoved the knife I still had into the table. I then grabbed Denki's arm and walked away. "Nope, I'm not doing this. Fuck you all, I'm going to my room." I heard laughing as I pulled Denki to my room. Once inside I threw myself on the bed, Denki just awkwardly standing by the door. I looked over at him, noticing that he looked sad. "What's wrong?"
"Your room here, it looks so depressing. It doesn't suit you at all." Denki said as he continued to look around. He wasn't wrong. There are multiple piles of clothes and trash on the floor along with empty alcohol bottles and packages of cigarettes. I guess to a normal person my room would look fairly wrong, but to me it's comforting in a way.
"Sorry, when I was at UA I kind of had to keep a clean and well kept together act. I'm actually a total slob." I replied while rubbing my neck.
Denki finally moved over to the bed and sat by my feet. "Hitoshi, I have a question."
"What is it?" I asked, deciding to sit up.
"Was-" Denki took a deep breath and I saw tears start to roll down his face. "Was everything you said a lie? Did you really consider us friends? Were you just using us and playing with our feelings?" Denki looked me directly in the eyes, "Did you really care about me?"
   "Just be real with me, Toshi. I don't want to keep pestering you if this was all an act for your mission or whatever. At the end of the day I enjoyed what time we had, even if it was fake." Denki said, the tears running down his face faster by the second.
   I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Everything I felt for you was real. I ended up falling for you hard Kaminari Denki, I fell in love with you. I don't want this to end between us. I did end up considering the kids in your class friends, but I've accepted that they all probably hate me now. If anything I want to at least keep you, you're all that matters to me. I don't deserve you nor do you deserve to be wrapped up in this, but I want you in my life. I want you to keep being my boyfriend." I replied, never letting Denki go.
Denki stayed silent for a few moments before he wrapped his arms around me and dug his head into the crook of my neck. "I'm so glad, Hitoshi. I was so scared I was going to lose you. I meant what I said, I don't care if you're a villain. I love you no matter what. You're my soulmate and I'm never letting you go." 
   Denki and I stayed like this for a while, just wrapped in eachothers' embrace. I had started crying at some point, though I can't pinpoint when. Denki ended up breaking the silence. "I was serious when I said they didn't hate you. You're all anybody talks about. Sure there's some bad, but they're worried about you. They really considered you a friend."
   "It's not like I can see them though, it's better for them to hate me. I'm probably barely going to see you aswell, it's not like our worlds mix very well." I said.
   "I can sneak you into the dorms! You can see everybody, you can talk to them and-"
   "Denki, they're not going to want to see me. I'm a villain, a cold blooded serial killer in many people's eyes. The last thing your class is going to want is to see me." I interrupted. "It's alright, I've lost people before. I'm used to it."
Denki moved his hands up and wrapped them around the back of my neck. "I-I can talk to them. I know I can convince them that you're not a bad guy. I can show them the real you, I can-"
"Denki, it's alright, really. Don't go through the trouble. I don't want you to get yourself in deep shit for trying to defend and protect a villain. It's bad enough that I'm on the wanted list, I don't want you on it too." I said as I pulled Denki down onto the bed, holding him close. "Just worry about keeping youself safe, alright?"
"Y-Yeah." I knew Denki was only just agreeing to move on. I unfortunately couldn't stop him from talking to the class, but it was a nice thought. I didn't want Denki to get in trouble, but once his mind is set on something he's going to do it no matter what. I had learned this the hard way. The rest of the night Denki and I just layed on my bed, holding eachother close. In all honesty, this is one of the most peaceful nights I've had. I'm beyond relieved to know that I still him. I somehow managed to keep what I cared about the most.

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