Wait, Seriously?

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   About a month had gone by since Denki went back to UA and I'd barely heard from him. He's come to base once. That was last weekend, but something seemed off about him. The second he woke up he ran to the bathroom to vomit, he did the same thing after he'd eat, it was strange. I asked him about it but he just said that it was just a small cold, though I'm not sure how much I believed him. I decided not to push him as I knew he'd tell me what's going on when he's ready.
I thought today would be the same as usual, just me lying around base in hopes Denki would text me. By the time night fell there'd be nothing so I'd go to bed, but I was wrong. Right as I was getting up to go to my room for the remainder of the night I got a text from Denki. It was very vague but he asked me to meet him at the park in a half hour, saying he needed to talk. I paniced a little but didn't hesitate to agree.
I went to my room to quickly throw on street clothes before heading out to meet Denki. I arrived a couple minutes before Denki said to but I figured it was better early than late. I anxiously sat on one of the benches until I saw Denki walking towards me. I got up to meet him but instantly noticed how puffy his eyes were and how depressed he looked. "Hey, what's going on? Are you alright?" I asked as soon as I was in front of him.
Denki tried to give me a weak smile but quickly failed as a tear running down his cheek. "Can we just go sit down, please?" Denki asked in a raspy voice, it sounded like he'd been crying for hours, maybe even days. I walked with Denki to one of the benches where he quickly wrapped his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I pulled him in close to me, rubbing soft circles onto his back.
I waited until his sobs calmed down a little bit before talking, "Do you want to talk about what's wrong?" I asked. Denki sat up and took something out of his back pocket.
He looked at me with tears still rolling down his face, "Please don't get upset." Denki pleaded.
I gave him a warm smile, "I would never get upset with you, Denki." He hesitated a little but handed me the thing he took out of his pocket, it was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, finding a picture of an ultrasound with yesterday's date on it. I looked at Denki, confused. "What? Who's is this?" I asked, looking back down and examining the photo more.
Right as Denki spoke, I saw his name in the top left corner, "It's mine, at some point during the break-"
"You're pregnant." I said, feeling my hands drop onto my lap as my eyes stared at nothing. I couldn't get my thoughts together. Denki's pregnant? It's mine? I knew he could, but- "I thought we were being safe-"
"I'm so sorry, I thought we were too. Please don't be mad." Denki cried.
This quickly pulled me out of whatever kind of trance I was in and I instantly pulled Denki into a hug. "Love, I'm not mad, just caught off guard." I replied, taking a second to think, "How far along are you? Do you know what you want to do?"
Denki wrapped his arms around me tightly before answering, "The doctor I saw yesterday said I was almost 2 months in, I have no idea what I want to do. I was hoping to get your opinion first." Denki replied as he rested his head on my shoulder.
I pondered the options for a few minutes, taking in the factors of keeping it and not keeping it. "Personally, I think I'd want you to keep it. I wouldn't mind having a kid with you, though the decision really comes down to you, Denks. Think about it, this'll put your career of being a hero on hold for quite a while. Is that something you would want to go through?"
Denki sat in silence for a few moments, I could tell he was really thinking this through. After what I think was around 10 minutes he sat up straight, looking me in the eyes with a small smile on his face. "I think I want to keep it too. We may be too young but I think it'll be the right choice. Just, please stay with me."
"Of course I'll stay with you, I'll do anything you need me to no matter what. Hell, if you really need me too I don't mind sneaking into UA to help you out if needed." I said, making Denki laugh.
"Don't be surprised if I end up taking you up on that offer." Denki replied, his face quickly dropping, "I'm kind of scared, you know, about telling 2A, about telling the principal and teachers too. What would they do to me?"
"Telling your class is something you don't need to think about doing for a while. I know very little about pregnancy but I do know you won't be showing for a couple more months and most. You should at least tell the principal and your teachers though, you can't really participate in the training activities." I said as I slid my arm around his waist.
Denki nodded, "I know, can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I need time to think of a plan. Plus, I miss spending time with you." Denki asked.
"Of course, you're welcome to stay at base anytime." I replied. Denki took out his phone, saying that he was telling Mina he wasn't coming home. He then got up, wanting to go to base and rest. The walk was silent, but it wasn't really an uncomfortable silence, more just Denki and I being lost in thought.
When we got back to base Tomura instantly questioned where I was and why Denki was with me. I told him that something happened and Denki's staying the night, not wanting to go into detail. This seemed to be enough for Tomura as he just shrugged and went back to doing whatever he was doing. Denki and I went straight into my room, instantly going over and lying in my bed. Denki layed on his back, staring at the hand that was placed on top of his stomach. "Do you think we'll regret this?" Denki asked, his eyes never leaving his abdomen.
I placed my hand on top of his and moved closer to him, "I don't think so. It's like you said, we may be young but I think that this is the right choice. As long as you want this I do too. I want to have a family with you."
Denki looked over at me and locked our eyes together. Tears started to roll down his cheeks, though he broke into a smile, "I want this. I really do, Toshi." Denki said, closing his eyes. I placed my free hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears.
"I'll be by your side throughout this whole thing, I promise." I noticed soft snores escaping Denki's lips, indicating he fell asleep. I layed my head down not too far away from his, never removing my hand from his as I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off.

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