Telling Our Families pt. 1

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The following week Denki had off school every day for some teacher convention thing. Denki planned on staying at base with me that entire week. Today was the fourth day of Denki's break, we've practically been in my room 24/7 as Denki hadn't wanted to be around the rest of the league. I was fine with this as it meant spending all day with Denki, I have zero complaints about that.
"Hey Toshi?" I heard Denki ask.
"What am I supposed to tell my parents? I've been putting off thinking about this but I don't think I can anymore. They know I'm dating someone but I haven't told them who. How am I supposed to tell them that I'm dating a villain and that I'm carrying a villain's child?" Denki asked, his grip on me tightening.
   "You could tell them and leave out who I am?" I suggested, not really knowing what to tell him.
   "That wouldn't work, they've been wanting to meet you for so long that they'd just question me more. Plus, even if you wore your mask and hood they'd recognize you, they're pro heroes. I just-"
   "Hey, relax. When's the next time you're going to see them?" I asked, hoping to try and calm him down.
   "That's the other thing, I'm going to see them Sunday. I told them that I'd come home my last day of break to visit. They wanted me to bring you with me but I just told them you were busy. I don't know what I should do." Denki placed a hand on his abdomen as tears started running down his face. "I want them to support our relationship and to support us with having our child. I want them to like you but I know there's such a low possibility of that, there's no way they'd approve of me dating you. There's no way in hell they'd let me go through with having our kid either. I don't want to lose you or our baby, Toshi. I don't-"
   I pulled Denki's head into my chest, making him stop rambling. "Calm down, please? You're overthinking and stressing yourself out, it's not good for you or the baby. We have 3 days to come up with a plan, don't worry too much about it. I'm sure everything'll be alright. If you want we can tell the league first as a type of trial run?"
Denki thought for a moment then nodded, "Yeah, good idea. Can we go do it now? I kind of just want to get it out of the way and build up a plan for my parents."
   "Whatever you want, love." I replied before planting a kiss on top of his head. Denki then got out of bed, pulling me up with him. I took the lead after that, opening the bedroom door and going to the living room where I knew the league would be, Denki following close behind. When I got to the living room I cleared my throat, getting there attention.
   "Hey kid, what's up?" Tomura asked, pausing whatever they were watching. This made him and the others give Denki and I their full attention.
   "I uh, Denki and I have something we should probably tell you guys." I said, putting a hand behind my head.
   "What'd you do this time?" Dabi asked teasingly.
"I uh, I got him pregnant." I answered, I could feel Denki tense up behind me.
The league's eyes widened, Tomura nervously laughed, "That's a funny joke, kid. Now what's really going on?"
"He's not kidding, I'm having Toshi's child." Denki said nervously before stepping in front of me and pulling his shirt up over his abdomen. He placed a hand on his side and looked down towards the floor, "I know it's not very big yet, but it's there."
   Himiko quickly got up from the couch and ran over to Denki, leaning down and poking his abdomen. "Woah, his stomach's so hard. I'm really going to be an auntie?" Himiko asked, her eyes shining.
   I gave her a soft smile and nodded, "Yeah, you are."
   A smile flew onto Himiko's face and she jumped up, "YAY! I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!" Tomura and Dabi got up and stood behind Himiko, both looking at Denki confused.
   "But how? I don't get it, how in the hell is Denki pregnant?" Tomura asked.
   "I wasn't born male." Denki answered, not wanting to go too much into detail.
   "That makes a lot more sense." Dabi said.
   "Yeah, it does. Well, good luck with everything. If either of you need anything I'm sure we're all more than happy to help you guys out." Tomura added, placing a hand on my shoulder and another on Denki's. Denki and I thanked him, deciding to stay in the living room for a little while longer to talk a few things over. Denki also took this as an opportunity to ask Tomura for advice on how to tell his parents.
"Well, I'm not an expert on family or pregnancy, but I'd say to call them ahead of time. You know, give them some time to process before seeing them in person. Maybe facetime them today or tomorrow and be like, hey, so I just wanted to tell you something before coming to see you Sunday. Then you tell them, let them process the next couple days, then bring Toshi with you Sunday, see what happens. If something bad ends up happening like they call the cops to try and capture Hitoshi he knows how to get away from things, he'll be fine." Tomura said.
"That's actually really smart, thanks Shigaraki." Denki replied, giving him a grateful smile.
"Yeah, I wasn't expecting you to be able to come up with something like that Crusty." I teased.
"Shut it, Eyebags. You know damn well I'm smarter than I look." Tomura said while crossing his arms and pouting.
   "Yeah yeah, sure ." I laughed. Denki and I only stayed with the league for a few more minutes before going back to my room. "It's almost 5pm, do you want to call your parents now or tomorrow?"
"I- I think I want to do it now, while I still have the confidence from earlier. I don't want to tell her about the pregancy but I want to tell her who you are." Denki said as he took his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled through his contact list, finding his mom's and pulling up the call options. Denki took a deep breath then hit the facetime button.
After a few rings his mom appeared on the screen, a smile on her face. "Hello Denki, how are you?"
"Hi mom, I'm uh, I'm good."
"That's great, honey. Is there a reason you're calling out of nowhere?" She asked.
"Uh yeah, there's something I need to talk to you about before I come to see you on Sunday."
"Oh, of course, you can tell me anything." His mom said, giving Denki a soft smile.
"Right, it's about my boyfriend. You see- My boyfriend, well, he's a villain."

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