I Don't Need Them

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I woke up to Denki shifting in my arms. I looked down, admiring the image of him curled up next to me. I started to lightly play with Denki's hair while keeping one arm wrapped around him. After a while Denki's eyes started to flutter open, his beautiful gold eyes soon locking with mine. Denki smiled up at me while he stretched out his body, "Goodmorning."
   "G'morning, did you sleep well?" I asked before planting a kiss on his forehead.
"I did, a lot better than usual actually." Denki replied, yawning at the end of his sentence.
"Hopefully that meant you were comfortable." I said, making Denki nod in response.
"I always feel comfortable around you." Denki took out his phone, quickly sitting up as he scrolled through his notifications.
"What's wrong?" I asked, slightly worried.
"It's the class, you're all over the news and they're not all that happy that I accidently lied to them." Denki replied with a nervous laugh. Just after that his phone rang. He put it on speaker, probably thinking that I wanted to listen in. "Hello?"
"Denki! Finally, I've been trying to call you all day! Where the hell are you? You were supposed to come back after you went- there." The voice I recognized as Mina said.
"I ended up spending the night with Toshi. He's my boyfriend so I didn't think it'd be a big deal." Denki responded, his voice slightly shaking.
"It wouldn't be under normal circumstances. You said he stopped killing, Denki, yet here he is on the tv, camera footage of him killing 2 people with a huge smile on his face. That doesn't look like he stopped."
"I just- I wanted to believe he did, who wouldn't? I'm not going to stop seeing him just because he's a villain, Mina. I love him. I don't care what he does as long as he doesn't hurt the people I care about." Denki said. I placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort, feeling him ease up a little at the contact.
   "Denks, he's dangerous. I'm worried he'll-"
   "If you think he's going to hurt me then you're insane. What happened to all the stuff you said when he came to the dorms a few weeks ago? Toshi makes me happy and he'd never hurt me, Mina. I thought you of all people would know that." After that Denki hung up the phone and turned so he was wrapped around my waist. I pulled him close to me and rested my head on top of his.
   "Are you alright?" I asked.
   Denki nodded, "Of course I am, I'm with my favorite person." Denki said with bright smile. Though I could see through him I decided not to push, knowing he'll talk to me when he's ready.
   "Dabi should be finishing up cooking around now, want to go get something to eat?" I asked, making Denki quickly jump up and start pulling me out of the room. He pulled me out to the kitchen just as Dabi was placing the last few plates of food down. Denki and I took our places at the table and started eating.
After we ate Denki and I had spent the rest of the day with the league, doing basic things like watching movies and cracking jokes every now and then. All was going well until we got back to my room and Denki burst into tears. I started to panic but quickly calmed down enough to pull Denki in close to me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as Denki tightly wrapped his arms around me.
   "I don't understand, Hitoshi. Why is it so hard for them to accept that you make me happy? The league's already treating me like I'm one of you guys but everybody at UA treats and talks about you like you aren't even human. I don't get it." Denki said as he cried into my shoulder. I personally couldn't care less what those 1A assholes say about me, but seeing Denki hurt like this breaks me.
"I'm sorry, Denks. I wish I could help more but I really don't know what I can do in this situation. It really hurts to see you like this." I replied, gently rubbing Denki's back.
"You do more than enough, Toshi. You're perfect. I just really wish they'd stop treating you like shit."
"I don't think that's going to happen, Denks, Not as long as I'm a villain."
"That's even dumber though! Before they found out everything was perfect and they treated you like family! Then they found out and bashed you over and over. I told them you stopped and they wanted to bring you back just to do it all over again!" Denki yelled, anger flooding his face.
   "No! I'm sick of this, Toshi. I'm going down there and telling them exactly what's on my mind, they need to know they're assholes." Denki said before running out of my room. I started chasing him but was quickly stopped by somebody grabbing my arm. I looked back to see Tomura.
   "Let him do this, Toshi. I think it's something he needs to do." Tomura said, looking up at the door that Denki had thrown open just seconds ago. He let me go when he knew I'd backed down. Seeing as I couldn't leave, I went to the living room, though I felt nervous this entire time. I was terrified about what might happen when Denki got to UA.
I tried to take my mind off of it by watching a movie with Dabi and Tomura, the only 2 that were still awake. It helped a little but my mind was still focused on Denki and what was happening right now. I was constantly checking my phone, hoping to see any kind of message from Denki, or anybody from 1A honestly. There was nothing.
   A few hours went by and I still heard nothing from Denki. It was going on 2am and I was on the verge of passing out. I checked my phone one last time, when I say that there was still nothing I went my room. Once insideI threw my shirt on the floor and climbed into bed, too lazy to change. I closed my eyes and though I struggled for a while, I ended up drifting off to sleep, unable to keep thoughts of Denki from flooding my mind.

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