Shinso v Bakugo

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   I was woken up that morning by somebody banging on my door. Once again I opened it to find Kaminari standing on the otherside. "Goodmorning, Shinso! Breakfast's ready if you want to come down." Kaminari said. I nodded and followed him downstairs. I was greeted by more of my classmates as I sat down.
   "So Shinso, you like horror movies, right?" A kid with black hair asked, I was still way too lazy to remember names.
   I nodded, "Yeah, I was raised on them. My family and I would have horror movie binges every other weekend where we did nothing but watch horror movies for 48 hours straight." I replied, talking about one of my favorite things I did with the league.
   "That's insane, didn't it get tiring?" Another kid asked.
   "Not in the slightest. We all love classic horror and gore movies, they're like a religion to us." I heard a couple people say that was cool and what not but I stopped paying attention. I was lost in my memories, thinking about my first weekend with the league where Dabi and Tomura sat me down and had me watch Friday the 13th. It was one of my favorite memories.
The day went by fairly quickly and before I knew it we were in hero training. I didn't have a hero costume, and I wasn't dumb enough to use my villain costume, so I was given a UA gym uniform to use. I did, however, bring my mask as I needed it to help with my quirk. I have several from over the years so I chose one that wouldn't be as recognizable, my first mask. I had a little bit of work done to it to make it as beneficial as my newest one so it worked perfectly.
After everybody got changed Eraserhead called us over to him and had us pick lots to determine our opponents. I drew mine and got 7. I looked around and quickly found my opponent, Bakugo Katsuki. Once everyone had an opponent we were all sat down on the bleachers, getting called up one by one for our matches. I studied each match closely, taking in everybody's weak points and strengths while making mental notes for if I ever need to fight them in the future. 6 matches went by and it was now my turn. Bakugo and I got up and took our places.
Essentially, I either had to knock him out or get him out of bounds. Easy. I already had a couple voices from the class recorded so I slid on my mask and prepared for battle. A whistle was blown and I instantly charged at him. I reached down for my blades but quickly realized they weren't there. "Shit." I said out loud. I had forgotten that I couldn't use my knives for this. I looked up and saw Bakugo's fist coming towards me. I quickly moved to dodge his attack, though I barely managed it.
I regrouped, preparing to go at him bare handed. Sure, I knew how to fight really well, the league trained me to be their perfect killer afterall, but I was flawless with my knives. I don't think I've lost a knife fight since I was 10. I once again charged Bakugo, this time sliding behind him and getting a good grip on him. I was able to pin him to the ground, though it didn't last long. Bakugo lit explosions in his palm, forcing me to back off of him. I scoffed and started messing with my mask. I knew exactly whos voice I wanted to use, I just had to find it.
  Bakugo started to come at me as I was messing with the mask. I was able to dodge, though his attacks were only getting quicker. I finally locked in on the voice and was able to counter Bakugo's attack. I flipped him to the ground and spoke, "Wow, Kacchan, how are you so weak?" I asked in the green haired kid's voice. I noticed he called Bakugo Kacchan so I went with him, hoping I pulled this off flawlessly.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY DEKU??" I heard Bakugo yell.
Bakugo went still, this battle was over. "Get up and walk out of bounds." I ordered. Bakugo stood up and did exactly as I said. A whistle went off and Eraserhead announced me as the winner. I let Bakugo out of my control and he looked around, clearly confused.
"What the hell just happened?" Bakugo asked.
I smirked at him and started walking back to the bleachers. "You lost." Bakugo started yelling at me but I ignored it. I sat back down and watched the last few matches, when they were finished I had a good read on everybody in the room. After we finished changing I started walking back to the dorms, only to have Kaminari run up to me.
"Hey, Shinso! You did great out there!" Kaminari practically yelled.
"Yeah, thanks." I replied.
"I have a question if you don't mind, what were you reaching for? That's the second time I've seen you reach to your side. It looked like you wanted to grab something." Kaminari asked, making me tense.
I didn't have the energy to answer him, "Don't worry about it." That was all I said before I sped up, luckily managing to lose him. I got back to the dorms and went straight to my room until I was called down for dinner a few hours later. The class was in deep conversation about the matches. Every now and then some of them would ask me a few questions, somebody yet again bringing up me reaching to my side. I was about to blow it off when my phone rang.
I looked down and saw Tomura's contact info pop up. I stood up and answered the call as I rushed outside, "What's up?" I asked as I left the room.
"We have a mission for you if you want it." Tomura said, making a smile creep onto my face.
"Oh yeah? What is it?" I got a little too excited as I spoke.
"Calm down, Hitoshi, you're scaring me. It's a murder, be at the base at 7pm in your costume. I'll give you the information when you get here." Tomura replied before hanging up. I walked back into the dorm, unable to stop myself from smiling. Finally, it may have only been a little over a day but I missed this so much.
I sat back down at the table to finish eating. "I've never seen you look so happy, Shinso. Did something good happen?" Kaminari asked me.
I just nodded, "Yeah, something like that."

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