You Shouldn't Be Here

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The next few days have been really gloomy. I still refused to talk to Tomura so things had been awkward aswell. My phone's been going off nonstop from the kids from UA constantly sending me messages such as: "Hitoshi, please tell me it's not true", or, "Hitoshi, how could you lie to us", "Hitoshi, you're a monster", "you've ruined Denki", etc etc. They don't think I know all this? It's killing me too.
   I knew this would happen the day I saw the headline: Mind Freak's identity revealed to be Shinso Hitoshi, a first year transfer student from UA. Eraserhead lived, good for him I guess, and told the media everything about how I came in one day and had been with the hero course and what not. I was sick of this and I've barely left my room since it all started.
One thing I had noticed is that Denki had been texting and calling me nonstop. Like, more than anybody else. Every second it felt like there was a new message from him. I couldn't bring myself to read the messages, I was too guilty. It was better to just wait it out and let him forget about me. I know I'd never get a better future, but there's more than enough hope for Denki to have a good life. He shouldn't be wrapped up in this.
I sat up when I heard my door open, seeing Tomura walk inside. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked, lying back down as he approached the bed.
"Hitoshi, can we talk, please?" Tomura requested, his voice sounded dryer than usual. I didn't say anything but moved over, leaving room for Tomura to sit on the bed. He took the hint. "I know I fucked up, I know I fucked up really bad. I don't deserve your forgiveness for this, but I'm sorry, I really am. I let my own personal problems affect the way I planned and it ended up hurting you in the end, I never wanted that. You're my little brother. I want nothing but for you to be happy, yet I'm the one that took it away. You don't deserve any of this, you shouldn't be stuck in a place like this with people like us. With people like me."
   I looked up and saw that Tomura was crying. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. I'm the one that got distracted, I just found it easier to put the blame on you. I'm happy here, I'm happy being with you and the league. I'm happy being a villain. I knew the UA thing wouldn't last forever, I just hated that it had to end so soon. I didn't belong there anyway, they were all too nice for me."
   Tomura laughed and pulled me close to him, "I love you, kid. I'll do anything to make this up to you."
   "There's nothing to make up, I just needed to get out of my own little pity party and be brought back to the real world." I said, giving Tomura a small smile. "So, did you talk things out with Dabi?"
Shigaraki's face flushed, "I- Y-Yeah, I did." He replied, a small smile on his face. We talked for a few more minutes before getting up and going to living room, finding Dabi, Himiko, and Jin on the couch. Their eyes all flew to me as I walked into the room.
   "Toshi!" Himiko exclaimed as she ran up to me.
   "Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Dabi asked.
   "You look like hell! Looking good kiddo!" Jin said, making me laugh.
   "I'm fine, I just really need to spend time with my family right now. I'm tired of drowing in self pity." I explained as I walked to the couch with Himiko connected to my side. I threw myself down, causing Himiko to fall on top of me. I put my arms around her and held her close as we both laughed. The next few hours were spent watch horror movies and talking about random things that never failed to make me smile.
Not too long ago Dabi had gotten up to start making dinner, he was the main chef of the league. Dabi had taught me how to cook as I was growing up so I was pretty decent myself. Whenever Dabi didn't cook I did. Once Dabi finished we were called in, the rest of the league joining us at the table minutes later. Half way through dinner there was a small knock on the door, only me and a couple others noticed it.
I got up to answer it, grabbing the knife I usually kept on me just in case. I quickly opened the door and held the knife up, ready to kill. I stopped when I recognized the blonde kid that was standing in the door. "D-Denki? What the hell are you doing here? How-" I was interrupted by Denki pressing his lips against mine. I froze, not sure what to do. Why the hell was he still kissing me when he knew who I was?
After he backed away he started talking, "I-I followed you here one day a while back, I'm sorry. The reason I'm here is because you haven't been answering your phone. Everybody's worried about you!"
I scoffed, "Like hell they are, I'm a monster in their eyes. Do you know how many of them have texted me saying just that? Too many, like hell they're worried."
"It's a shock, Toshi. Nobody expected you to be- Y-Yeah, it was just a shock is all, nobody hates you." Denki said, his voice lowering.
I turned around to go back inside, "Just go home, Denki. You shouldn't be around me. I enjoyed what we had but you're better off without me."
Denki grabbed my arm, stopping me. "No I'm not. Toshi. Don't talk like you know how I feel! I don't care if you're a villain or murderer or whatever, I know the real you! You're so kind and gentle, you have one of the brightest smiles and you always manage to light up my world whenever I'm around you. I need you, Hitoshi. Please don't leave me, I love you."
"I-" I couldn't say anything before Denki threw his arms around me, making me fall back inside the base.
"Please, Toshi. Please stay with me." Denki said, his voice breaking. He was crying. He was seriously crying over me?
   I broke. I couldn't stand this, I just couldn't stand seeing Denki so broken up. I placed a hand on his cheek and pulled his face up towards mine before locking our lips together. Denki and I slowly started moving our lips in synch before I pulled away, tears of my own falling down my face. "This is your last chance to back out and have a normal life."
   Denki shook his head, "I don't want to live a life without you, Hitoshi. You make me feel complete."
   I smiled and placed a kiss on Denki's forehead, "If this is really what you want then I have no complaints." Denki smiled and reconnected our lips, I placed a hand on the ground and the other on one of Denki's hips in an attempt to stay balanced.
   I heard footsteps approach, "Hitoshi, who was i- What the hell?"

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