I'm Fucked

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   "Tomura, this isn't going to go well." I said, voicing my concerns about this mission. Tomura's been off lately, I have no idea why but it's been affecting his planning. The mission plans have been sloppy and full on flaws, that's never happened before. Today's was the worst one yet. There are very few ways that this plan will go off successfully, and the ways that do exist have a very slim chance of happening.
   "If you don't like it then stay behind, Hitoshi. The rest of us will just go." Tomura spat.
   "No, I'll go. Sorry." I regretted that instantly. Of course I want to go and help the league, but I have a bad feeling about this. As tempting as it was to stay behind I couldn't bring myself to do it, I couldn't just let Tomura and the league do this alone.
   Tomura shot a smile at me, "That's what I like to hear, we'll be leaving in a few hours. Just relax until then." Tomura walked off, leaving me, Himiko, and Dabi alone in the living room.
   "I'm not the only one noticing that something's off, right?" I asked, turning to Himiko and Dabi.
   Dabi shook his head, "You're not, I've noticed too. I'm pretty sure everyone has, he's getting sloppy. Though I feel like it may be my fault." He sighed.
   "Then talk to him. Toshi and I can't say anything to him without him getting mad." Himiko said.
   "I have a really bad feeling, something's going to happen. I just know it." I said, mainly myself before leaning back into the couch. I came off my break a couple weeks ago. Since then I've been on a couple small missions but that's about it. This mission is on a new level of insane, it was a killing spree that's bound to go wrong. Tomura wants us to kill 10 people, on a Saturday, in broad daylight. Not only that but in an area close to UA, where heroes practically swarm the streets. It was a death wish.
Dabi went off to talk to Tomura and the hours started to pass. Before I knew it, it was time for the mission. So there I was, standing by the door of base with Dabi and Himiko in full gear, waiting on Tomura. He was 10 minutes late, though it wasn't surprising as this had been happening a lot lately. He rolled in 15 minutes later, neither him nor Dabi saying anything as we finally got ready to start the mission. We headed over to the spot, careful not to get spotted. Though it was hard cause you know, the sun.
We took to alleyways and rooftops, splitting up and communicating through earpieces. Dabi had already taken out one of the targets and Himiko was closing in on another. We've heard nothing from Tomura, it was frustrating. I finally started closing in on my first target, quickly dropping down and grabbing her from behind. I killed her before she had the chance to react. Afterwards I quickly took off, climbing back to the roof and heading to my next destination.
I had 2 targets left and was right on schedule when I got to the second stop. The man came walking by seconds later, giving me my cue to drop down. It took longer than I had anticipated to take him out, the guy put up a fight. I finally killed him and made my way to the final destination. I checked in with Dabi and Himiko, they had finished and were heading back to base. There was still nothing from Tomura.
I arrived to my final spot, sitting on the roof while I was waiting for my target to arrive. That's when Tomura finally called in, "Hey guys, sorry. I finished off my targets and am heading back to base."
"Tomura, what the f-" I was cut off by somebody slamming me to the ground.
"Finally. I've finally caught you." I looked up and saw Eraserhead sitting on top of me, his smile creepily wide. Fuck, no, there's no way this was happening. Eraserhead reached down for my hood and mask, "I'm finally putting an end to you. I've waited so long for this moment, Mind Freak."
I tried to move my arms but failed, he was pinning my arms down with his knees. I also tried to move out from under him, but that also failed. He was putting too much pressure on my body, I was screwed. "Now, let's see who's under this mask." Eraserhead said as he reached down and pulled my hood and mask off. His eyes widened once everything was gone, a look of pure shock on his face, "S-Shinso? What-"
I took this opportunity to get away while he was distracted. I moved my arm out from under his knee and pulled a knife from it's sheath before shoving it into his side. He cried out in pain as I pushed him off me and quickly took off. I didn't bother to pull my hood and mask back up, it was too late for that. I quickly ran from rooftop to rooftop, taking to the streets when there was nowhere else for me to go.
I didn't care what happened to me now, my life was already ruined. Everything good in my life was just ripped away from me. I ran into several people but I never stopped running, I was desperately trying to get back to base. Multiple minutes of running and panicking later I threw myself inside, sinking to the ground instantly. "Hitoshi, what's wrong?" I heard Dabi ask as he crouched down in front of me.
I looked up at him, now realizing I had tears streaming down my face. "I- He saw my face, Eraser he- Tomura talked and I-" I couldn't make out a proper sentence, I was shaking too much. Dabi's face turned to anger as he pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm going to kill that crusty bastard, I swear to god." Dabi said. He let me cry into his shoulder until I calmed down. After making sure I was as ok as possible he got up and bee-lined to Tomura's room. I slowly got up and forced myself to walk to my room. I curled up into a ball on my bed as I continued to cry. I knew this wouldn't last. I knew I'd have to leave UA one day, but not like this. I didn't want things to end like this.
"Hitoshi, are you ok?" I heard Tomura ask from the otherside of my door.
I lashed out, "THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! IF YOU HADN'T BEEN SO CARELESS AND SLOPPY HE NEVER WOULD'VE CAUGHT ME! I WAS BARELY ABLE TO GET AWAY AS IT IS. NOW I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE DENKI AGAIN BECAUSE YOU HAD TO GO AND FUCK THIS UP! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO FUCK UP NOW OF ALL TIMES? I WAS FINALLY HAPPY!" I cried, surprising even myself. I didn't mean to lash out at Tomura, but I couldn't stop it. I felt bad immediately but didn't apologize. I simply went back to crying, remaining curled up on my bed for the remainder of the night.

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