We Don't Hate You

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   The following week I got a phone call from Denki. I was still getting texts from my former classmates but I had yet to read them, the only one I wanted to talk to was Denki. I answered the call, Denki's voice booming from the other line. "Hey! Are you doing anything right now?"
   "No, the league's out on a mission so I'm kind of just hanging around base since I have to lay low." I said, taking a bite of the ice cream I had.
"Cool, then you can come with me, right? I'm on my way over."
"I'm sorry, what? Go where?" I asked in confusion.
"To the dorms! I told you I'd talk to the class and they want to see you, Mr. Aizawa's not there since it's a Saturday so all we have to do is sneak you in, it'll be fine!" Denki said cheerfully. My stomach filled with dread.
"Denki, I really don't think this is a good idea-"
"Come on Toshi, please? I won't let anything happen to you, just come talk to them." Denki pleaded.
I sighed, giving in. "Fine, but the second something happens I'm gone. Got it?" I heard Denki hum in agreement before hanging up. I reluctantly got off the couch, putting away my ice cream then going to my room to change. I put on a hoodie, jeans, and a pair of boots along with a black cotton mask to hide my face. I grabbed one of my knives and concealed it under my hoodie, wanting to be prepared just in case things went south.
   Just as I was walking out of my room I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my keys and answered the door, finding Denki on the other side. He pulled my mask down and placed his lips to mine, pulling away with a smile on his face. "Ready to go?" I nodded and pulled my mask and hood up, walking outside and locking the door. I texted Tomura that the base was locked and headed off with Denki, feeling completely terrified.
The walk to UA felt like an eternity. The second we reached the UA gates my heart started racing, this was an awful idea but it was too late to turn back now. Denki and I walked to the dorms, I was pulling down on my hood hard to try and ensure that nobody would be able to see my face. Denki told me to wait outside for a minute then he went inside. I heard him yell something before he came back outside and brought me inside.
"H-He's actually here." I heard somebody say. I didn't look up, I couldn't face them. I was too scared to. I heard footsteps start to approach me and felt myself tense up as the footsteps got closer. I reached behind me, ready to pull the knife out at any time. Instead of hostility I was pulled into a tight hug. My arms fell to the side, I was completely frozen. "I'm so happy you're alright, you never answered your phone so I was scared something happened to you. You really scared me, Toshi." I was released from the hug and the person instantly pulled my hood down and took my mask off. "There, that's better."
I looked up to see Mina smiling in front of me, my mask in her hands. I looked around the room, everybody had a different expression on their faces. Some were relief, some terror and fear, others disgust and anger. "Why are you being nice to me? I don't get it." I said.
I heard another pair of footsteps come near me. "Because we know you, man. We know the real you. Sure you have a dark past and do some fucked up shit, but you're our friend." Eijiro said, a smile on his face. Hanta and Katsuki walked over seconds later.
   "Don't scare us like that again, asshole. I thought you died." Katsuki added, placing a hand on Eijiro's shoulder. "Only I'm allowed to kill you, got that?" I quickly nodded.
   "He's only kidding. dude. He cares about you just as much as the rest of us." Hanta laughed. "You should've seen how nervous he got when the headline came out." Katsuki quickly punched his arm, mouthing shut up to him.
   "You guys are serious? Get away from him! He's a villain- a murderer! Why the hell are you being nice to him?" Uraraka questioned as she walked over to us. "Do you not realize how many people he's killed? He should be in jail- Dead even!"
"Uraraka-" Todoroki said, trying to get her to stop.
"No! I'm not risking my friend's safety for him! He's dangerous! I don't even understand why you guys let him come here!" Uraraka continued.
Momo walked up and grabbed Uraraka by the arm. "Ochaco, that's enough. Hitoshi's our friend, it's just like Kirishima said. Sure he's done a lot of messed up stuff, but we've all been around him enough to know how nice he really is. He just has a messed up story."
"Y-You don't have to defend me, it's ok. I don't deserve your guys' friendship, I'm a monster. I'm sorry for bothering you guys, I never should've come here." I said, turning around to leave. Before I could even take a step I felt multiple people grab onto my arm.
"You're not going anywhere. You're our friend, not a monster. You have every right to be here." Mina protested.
"I don't though, it's not like I plan to become a hero. This is a hero school, we never should've met in the first place." I replied.
"Well too bad. You've met us and now you're stuck with us, whether you like it or not." Eijiro said, a wide grin on his face.
   Iida and a few other people came over to me, fear very prominent on their faces. "I'm not going to lie to you, Shinso. We're scared of you and don't feel safe around you. However, we don't hate you. We can't. I'm not going to abandon a classmate. I don't care if you were only a spy, you're a friend in my eyes. It's just going to take time for some of us to get comfortable around you again." Iida said, a nervous smile on his face.
   I nodded, "I get it, really. I don't plan on hurting you guys, I've grown to care about all of you in a way. I'm sorry for betraying you, I really am."
I was quickly ushered to the living room by some of the class. They wanted me to tell them everything, so I did. Down to the very last detail I told them everything. Well, almost everything. I had to keep some things secret for the league's safety. By the end of it I got a lot of sympathetic looks, it felt pitiful. I know I've had it rough but it's not all that bad, the league treats me well.
I ended up being at the dorms until nightfall. I was actually fairly happy to be back, though I could tell things were different. The only people that had no fear towards me were the Bakusquad. Everybody else had some kind of fear while around me, which in all honesty was reasonable. I got a text from Tomura at some point, telling me to come back so I departed from the dorms and went back to base.
   "Where the hell were you?" Tomura asked once I walked inside.
   "I was, um, at the UA dorms. Denki forced me to go back and talk with his class." I replied nervously, not wanting Tomura to get mad. Weirdly enough, he didn't.
   Instead, he walked over a ruffled my hair, "Everything went ok? They didn't try to hurt you?"
   I shook my head, "No, almost all of them were scared of me but I expected that. Besides, I was prepared for the worst." I replied while pulling the knife I had concealed out.
   Tomura laughed, "Good job kid, come to the kitchen with me. Dabi's almost finished with dinner." I followed Tomura to the kitchen, taking a place next to Himiko. I spent the rest of the night thinking about class 1A. I never thought I'd see any of them again, let alone that they'd want anything to do with me. I haven't been this happy in a while, thoughI still had one fear remaining, that once I go back on missions everything will go south.

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