Cub's UFO [Cub]

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Something flashed across the sky, drawing Cubfan135's attention away from his massive dripstone canyon. Cub shaded his eyes, searching the twilight sky for a sign of the mysterious thing he had seen.

A set of blinking lights flashes across the sky in a circular pattern. It zips around the tall dripstone spires before zooming away.

<Cubfan135> Did anyone see that?

<GoodTimeWithScar> The flashy lights thing? Yep. Almost as weird as the growing moon.

<TangoTek> It's getting closer!

<TangoTek> The moon, I mean.

<TangoTek> Also, yes I saw it.

<Xisuma> Did anyone not see it?

<TinfoilChef> I didn't

<TinFoilChef> Oh wait, it's in my branch mine.

<TinFoilChef> It's gone now. Scared me to bits.

<MumboJumbo> The Mooners are reaching even the realms of little blinky lights.

<Cubfan135> Thanks, you guys. That's all I needed to know.

Cub got out his telescope and climbed a tree. He scanned the sky for a sign of the mysterious flying object. There! Cub followed it with his spyglass, but it soon zoomed too far away for him to identify it. He began to climb down.

Zip! The lights flashed right by him, making him fall out of the tree in fright. As he stood up, the lights flew around him. They moved too fast for him to see. Cub shook his head to clear it. His lion ears flicked at the mysterious flying object when it came too close.

He isn't called Cub for no reason. The lion-human hybrid lacked much of the hair the other male lions had, although he had many other lion-like features. For example, he actually had a tail, was faster than the average human, and had whiskers. Also the ears.

The other hermits loved his ears. Grian had actually tried to steal them in the same way he stole Mumbo's mustache. Cub was glad that hadn't worked out. The little gremlin would have been in even more trouble because he was always up to his ears in it. The difference in height between lion ears and regular ears would have put him in more than enough trouble.

Cub watched the little lights, turning with them as they continued to fly. Soon he grew dizzy and tumbled to the floor again. The little lights stopped in front of his nose, hovering. Cub's whiskers quivered as it drew closer.

The lights blinked a few times as Cub examined it. The lights were on top of a dish that appeared to be made of emeralds. A small fan on the bottom kept it aloft, lightly blowing on Cub's chest. A bubble grew out of the top containing a small alien. The alien wore a teal sweatshirt and had solid black skin. Its single massive eye took up most of his face with a small mouth below it. When the creature smiled, the pointed teeth reminded Cub of his own. A pair of headphones sat on top of his head.

<Cubfan135> I've identified the unidentified flying object. It is a little flying saucer, better known as a UFO or Unidentified Flying Object, with an adorable little alien inside of it. I think his eyes are bigger than the big eyes crew's eyes.

<BdoubleO100> That's impossible

<TangoTek> You identified the unidentified flying object as an unidentified flying object?

<Cubfan135> Yes

<Xisuma> Wow. You all think you're so funny.

<Cubfan135> I'm serious!

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