They could only Watch [???]

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[POV: ???, 3rd person]


They looked out on the worlds. The tiny, cube-shaped planets that were the homes of millions of tiny players. Not every world had the same amount of players, but they knew that didn't matter. Each one was a place to be conquered. A place to control.

They cursed silently in Galactic. They weren't sure what they were angry or frustrated with. There were a multitude of reasons to be irked by themself. Still more by the rules. Several for the cruelty displayed. Hundreds more because of what they were forced to do.

Watch. They were powerless to do anything but watch. They were forced to look on as elite members of the Order were banished. They were forced to watch as those noble beings were replaced by mindless minions. They were forced to watch as they were stripped of their memories and powers, leaving them to wander the servers.

Curses built up inside the Watcher's mind, held back by a thread of respect for their own dignity. They knew cursing brought pain, physical and mental. The Watchers didn't tolerate it. They were lucky they weren't caught last time. They had seen what happened to those who swore. They were cursed, in a way. What happened to them was arguably worse than banishment.

The Watcher scowled, the mask uncomfortable on their face. They were sick of the stilted formality of the Order. They were sick of the forced neutrality in all things that made players what they were. They were forced to think of themself as higher. Almost god-like. The Watcher knew that was wrong. They knew they had limits. They knew they grew tired from magic exhaustion, as all Watchers did.

They were still forced to be greater. They were just a normal player who had been singled out by the magical beings and forced to accept the power. Rejection would only have resulted in an early death. They knew they didn't want that. Not when there was a chance of overturning the regime.

Their mentor had spoken of it to her mere months before they were killed. They had known too much; had too many plans and ideas. They openly challenged the might of the Watchers and were crushed like a grape in the winepress. The Watcher smiled bitterly. The foul "wine" the Watchers had made of their mentor only secured their power of fear.

But they saw through that illusion. They knew it was all an act of control and manipulation. The Watcher grinned, focusing on a world where, by complete chance, two elite members of the Order had been sent. Their memories and powers had been locked away, but they could remedy that with the last spell their mentor had ever taught.

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They knew what it would do. They knew it would be painful. They knew the elite could handle it, though. They had seen the raw power as they resisted the banishment. They saw the clear struggle of their minds to retain who they were. One had slightly more success, but they were both strong and subconsciously empowered.

They knew what they had to do.

They knew they couldn't stand by and Watch any more.

They knew everything was at stake.

The time was ripe to act.

The wine had been fermented.


Ahhh! When did this happen? Thank you all so much for 1k reads of my Oneshots. I'm glad people seem to be enjoying them! Idk if there's anything special I should do, but this is possibly the first bit of another book? Maybe??? I'll finish The Shadow's Acid first, don't worry.

Again, thank you all for all your support!!!

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