Never Tell Me the Odds (pt. 1) [Impulse + Tango]

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This is a Star Wars/sci-fi Hermitcraft AU. Personally, I believe it's better as a sci-fi AU purely because my knowledge of Star Wars comes primarily from episodes IV-VI, a character book (published in 2011), and the Star Wars wiki.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

TW: This is Star Wars. Expect injuries, blood, blasters, lightsabers, and death. And more that I might be forgetting. Yeah.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.



The stormtrooper's head hit against the doorway as it opened. Impulse bit back a giggle at the annoyed gestures the trooper made, watching the squadron move steadily out of sight. He glanced backward at the trio behind him and crept forward, following them into the hallway. The door to the laundry stood to the left and they entered, ducking behind a stack of dirty armor and checking for troopers.

Surprisingly, there are none.

A few minutes later he was standing at the door, Imperial blaster in hand, watching for incoming troops. The helmet limited his view significantly, with narrow slits that made his periphery next to useless. Doc appeared behind him, dressed in one of the largest suits of armor. Even that was barely large enough for him to fit. Finally, Ren and Tango joined them, identical troopers impossible to discern from a regular one.

"Here's to hoping we don't shoot each other," Impulse jokes, raising his blaster and moving out. The others follow, trying to match the formal march of stormtroopers. Doc crouched slightly in the center of their group, masking his height by bending over and lightening his steps. They moved forward steadily, falling into step with another squadron toward a central control room.

Doc shot the closing mechanism the second they were inside. Ren, Tango, and Impulse opened fire on the troopers and officers inside the room, shooting them down quickly and effectively. Doc strode past the smoking bodies as alarms blared, causing storm doors to slam closed and block their exit. He shrugged, using the built-in code on his armor to hack into the computers, pulling up a map of the ship.

"We're a floor too high," he announced, pinching the screen to zoom in. "A turbolift is in the hallway to our left. Once there, we should be able to rescue the princess without a hitch."

"I told you," Impulse said, "she's not a princess. Alderaan just got blown up, remember? Scary stuff with all the mystery about how, but anyway, from what I've heard, Gem acts nothing like a normal princess."

"Ooooo, what's this?" Tango asked, disrupting the conversation and rummaging in a sealed cabinet he'd blasted open. He brought out a small, locked chest, forcefully opening the combination. "Awesome," he said as he drew the lightsaber, pressing the button on the side to activate it. A bright green blade extended from the hilt, humming with power and energy as he swung it experimentally.

"There must be a Jedi here," Impulse breathed, looking over Doc's shoulder.

"The princess is here." Doc pointed to a marked cell. "2617J. High security containment is two floors lower. Impossible to get in or out of without the right code. There's no way we'll be able to rescue them both."

"Fix up that attitude, my dude," Ren objected, grabbing a code cylinder from an officer and hot-wiring the door so it slid open. "Nothing is impossible when you try hard enough. Tango, you ready to go with me? Quick mission. In and out." Tango nodded.

Feet clanged against the metal hallway as stormtroopers invaded the area. Tango immediately retaliated, calling for Ren to duck while he fired his blaster. Impulse joined him, taking out the last soldier and following Doc into the now-empty hallway.

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