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Febuwhump Day 24: "I'm Doing This Because I Care About You" ft. Netherborn!Tango

In which Tango hesitates, but Impulse does not.


I promised this ending way back in December after I posted the original oneshot. Thank you, everyone, for the support I've received between now and then. The amount of encouragement I get from a single comment is crazy, and - I'm not gonna lie - I like hearing people voice their pain, so, uhm, here we are.

Notch, I sound very sadistic (I am a sociopath, sorry. But I'm not sorry. Okay, maybe I'm a little bit sorry).

Anyway, given that this is an alternative ending, I strongly suggest that you go back and read the original version so you get an idea of what's going on.

And if you're one of the blokes who frequently re-reads it... you already know. You already know what happens. But go back and re-read it anyway so I can listen to your screams.

I'm such a sociopath (/lh /hj)

TWs: gun violence, death, mentions of slavery
The underlined words are from the original version and indicate where the alternative ending begins.

Tango turned around, sad, desperate, pain-filled eyes locking with Impulse's. His best friend strode forward quickly, closing the distance between them, one arm outstretched for him to take. Tango shook his head again, leaning outside, one foot still dangling dangerously in the open air. His opposite heel also hung off the ledge.

"Tango, please," Impulse whispered, taking a few steps closer.

Tango shifted uncertainly, one foot dangling in open air. It was easily a fifty-storey drop from the window to the streets below. He locked his pain-filled, suffering eyes with Impulse's matching gaze, slowly moving his opposite heel to hang off the edge. The collar was uncomfortably tight around his neck, barring the one thing he wanted to tell his best friend: I'm sorry. He opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't bring himself to say those two words, fearful of the radiating electric pain he would receive.

Impulse stepped forward again, brow creased with worry. His hand was only a quarter of a metre away from Tango, easily within reaching distance. Tango's eyes dropped to Impulse's hand, tracing over the lines and creases in his upturned palm. Slowly, he reached out and laid his hand on top, his hand and arm going slack. Impulse's eyes brimmed with tears as he pulled Tango in close, wrapping his arms tightly around his friend.

The pair sank to the dusty floor, entangled in each other's arms. Tango's face was nestled in the crook of Impulse's shoulder as he hiccupped, burning tears soaking Impulse's t-shirt. Impulse couldn't care less about the heat, resting his head on top of Tango's as he cried silently, his tears dripping into and soaking Tango's golden hair. The new guy sat down a short distance away, hugging his knees to his chest. He got up and put the screen back into place, shutting the window and bolting it.

"We need to do something about this now," Impulse whispered, pressing his face into Tango's hair. The collar gave a warning buzz as Tango let out a choked sob, and the Netherborn recoiled, curling in on himself as he tried to stifle the sobs.

"But what?" the new guy asked, running a hand through his black sweat-slicked hair. "I mean, we can take the collar off, right?"

Tango hissed immediately, putting his hands over the back of his neck and curling into a tight ball. Impulse took it upon himself to answer, saying, "We've tried, but it just results in a massive shock every time." He shuddered, hesitantly placing his hand on Tango's shoulder. "I think we should go see Doc if we can."

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