Not you [Xisuma]

272 6 40

TW: injuries, trauma, death, explosions, final exams


"Welcome to day two-thousand, one-hundred and sixty-one of admin training!" Hypixel yelled, somehow still enthusiastic after nearly six years of training this batch of admin recruits. I glance over at the other admins. All four of them -- Skip, Flaym, Defek, and MrBeast (I promise I didn't run out of creative juice)-- are shaking their heads as he bounces uncontrollably on the stage.

I steal a glance over at the twenty other members, noticing how suddenly energetic they seem. Coffee is banned on campus, and it was a miracle each of us was standing. Despite its rigorous course load and activities, the admin program is a great deal of fun with the variety of teachers and small class size. I find myself smiling, standing at attention as he goes over the agenda of the day.

"Alright, we'll start with a review of commands we learned last week, along with ones from back in the first year, and everywhere in between. Basically a command final, I suppose." Half the class groaned at the word 'final.' Hypixel noticed the reaction, smiling and revising his statement. "Assessment. Command assessment so we can see where you need help at."

Flaym stepped in at this point. "After the assessment, we'll travel to a new area. It has previously been sealed off due to the high concentration of dangerous information. However, with your training nearly complete, we believe you are ready."

"Finally, we'd like to remind you this is the last month of admin training," Defek adds.

"This means final assessments come in two weeks, and your server assignments will be ready at the end," MrBeast continues, grinning broadly. "You'll have a yearlong residency period to test your skills in the real world before moving on."

"Alright, with that all out of the way, we can get started," Hypixel finishes. "Usual procedure, please be patient."

I feel the familiar clench in my stomach as MrBeast makes the executive decision to start from the bottom end of the alphabet, making me first to be called. I follow him into the side room as the other instructors pick their own people, waiting for the pistons to close the door behind us. He hands me the admin communicator, enchanted to always stay in the room. It's for practice and assessment, with limited features except for commands and energy signature registration. I sign in, preparing myself for everything MrBeast throws at me.

He decides to take it literally, generating a couple NPCs with the help of a previously set up command block, instructing me to protect them. He then proceeds to launch TNT in every direction while the NPCs run around madly. The blocks explode harmlessly on the obsidian walls I dictate into existence, simultaneously teleporting the characters near me. They continue their mad panic, forcing me to put up a barrier to keep them close enough to protect.

Straining, I resist the elemental forces he pits against my shield, repelling the dangerous mobs and deflecting the lightning. Finally, lava seeps from the floor as water pours from the ceiling, filling the room with more suffocating obsidian. Reflexively, from nights of unceasing practice, I fill the spaces with air, raising my players and I above the floor to avoid the burning liquid.

Abruptly, the chaos ends, everything in the room resetting to the way it used to be. Slowly, I lower myself and the NPCs to the ground, hesitantly dropping the barrier. A phantom screeches, dropping from the ceiling toward my group. I summon a bow and shoot it dead in seconds, reflexes sharpened by previous life-threatening experiences.

Admin training isn't for the lighthearted. We started out with over a hundred recruits, with only twenty reaching the last month of the six year training. Many of them dropped out after close calls during exams or were told to reapply when they were ready. I wouldn't say it was a traumatizing experience, but it's certainly hard on the mind.

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