We'll protect you (if you obey) [Zedaph]

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Febuwhump Day 4: Obedience ft. human!Zedaph

It's a dangerous world out there and a man needs protection. It's all fine and dandy until he's asked to do something deeply against his morals. That's where Zedaph wants to draw the line. However, he's already in over his head.

TW: gun violence, assassination, death

"Take the shot."

Zedaph squinted down the barrel of the rifle, eyes fixated on his target. He gritted his teeth, adjusting his grip on the trigger. His stomach churned as he readjusted his grip nervously, sweat trickling on his palms. It was one thing to shoot down dummies and targets, and a distinctly different situation when his sights were trained on a living person.

They stood in the middle of the town square, blond hair and red sweater standing out against the dull pavement. Their hand was pressed against their head as they talked animatedly on the phone, gesturing excitedly with their opposite hand.

They turned in his direction and froze, eyes locking on the glint of his rifle. He had no choice then, squeezing the trigger and sending the bullet into the young man's head. Their head jerked backwards at the impact, sending a spray of blood across the ground. Zedaph ducked back onto the roof, listening to the distressed calls of the civilians below him. Sooner or later, the cops would begin their search for him, but he was safe... for now.

"Target Two entering the area. Plaize, are you still in place?"

Zed reached up and tapped the earpiece, saying, "Yeah, I'm still here."

"You got the file for Target Two?"

"Black suit, black hair, rather tall and thin?" he asked, picking up the file from the folder in the backpack next to him.

"That's the one. He's entering the square now. Take the shot."

Zedaph breathed heavily, listening to the sirens below. "I- I think that's enough for today. They could be coming up here any minute, and I-"

"We've got men down below acting as diversions. Any more objections?"

"N- no. Sir. No sir." Zed poked his head up above the concrete lip and took aim, finding his target easily. He cocked the gun, aligned his sights, steadied his breathing, and took the shot. The bullet struck the man solidly in the chest, making another splatter of blood spray across the street. He stayed up just a second too long, and an officer spotted the light shining off the cold metal of his rifle. He called out to the members of his squad and ran to the base of the skyscraper, three others following him inside.

Zedaph panicked, stuffing the files and cartridges into his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. He pulled his mask over his face as he took off to the edge of the roof, leaping off it to the next building. He clicked the safety in place midair, landing on the ledge and jumping off immediately, dive-rolling on the sunbaked rooftop. He began running again immediately as the police burst onto the roof he had just left, shouting and pointing in his direction. Without hesitation, he jumped again, landing roughly on the fire escape and nearly running into the wall.

He pulled a handgun out of the holster on his hip and shot the lock of the door, shoving the door open and entering the office space. He ran between the cubicles of white collar workers, ignoring the yells and cries of alarm as he found the other fire escape, bolting out of it and tearing down the rattling metal stairs.

The Doctor's directions repeated in his head as he ran through the alleys, taking seemingly random turns as the sounds of pursuit died behind him. He found the trapdoor leading to the basement of an older building and eased it open, allowing it to fall shut behind him. The man inside shoved the deadbolt in place as Zed caught his breath, putting his rifle back on the rack and yanking his mask downward.

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