Crying because you're dying (please stop dying) [Tango]

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Febuwhump Day 29: Not Allowed to Die ft. superhero!Tango

Combustion -- otherwise known as Tango Tek -- has a bad run-in with the Bad Boys, leaving him unable to make it to dinner with his girlfriend, Pearl.

There was something he had to tell her, and he couldn't make it.

TWs: blood and injury

Combustion flipped over the blade sprouting from Beans' hand, flicking his wrist and sending a burst of flames into the sword and melting the slim metal. Claws raked toward him as Xelqua flew at him from above, aiming for his face. He ducked, casting flames in the direction of the villain as he tried to get out of the centre of their focused attacks.

Solidarity slammed into the hero's back, sending him to the floor. He tucked and rolled, narrowly avoiding another one of Beans' swords. He took a deep breath and released a blast of fire, knocking Xelqua and Solidarity off him. Beans slashed at him rapidly as the explosion died out, metal sparking off Combustion's arm guards. The hero hissed as one slipped into the gap between the plate on his forearm and elbow, feeling the blood well up and begin dripping down his arm.

He grabbed Beans' outstretched arm and pulled him in, ramming an upset punch into the villain's gut. Xelqua screeched as his buddy doubled over, heaving for air. The hawk-hybrid's wings beat the air as he rose, diving down with deadly, razor-sharp talons extended. He latched onto Combustion's arm and hauled him into the air, wings pumping steadily as he carried him higher. Solidarity leapt at him when Xelqua dropped him, hands catching his shoulders as he used his superspeed to slam the two of them into the ground, Combustion first.

Combustion gasped for air, then bit back a shout of pain when Beans finally managed to hit his mark, blade plunging into his leg. The hero kicked up, thrusting Beans away before he reversed his motion and threw Solidarity off over his head. The villain shrunk as he rolled to his feet, wincing as the bruises across his back smarted. He leaned away from his injured leg, blood spurting as it flowed down his leg into his tightly laced combat boot.

Xelqua's claws raked down his back and he spun, launching fire from his palm with a simple flick of his wrist. The avian's wing caught fire and he screamed, landing hastily and rolling to put out the flaming feathers. Solidarity ran to take Xelqua's place, a well-aimed punch thrown and sent the hero to the ground, who spit up blood from where he bit the inside of his cheek. Solidarity's fist found his solar plexus, landing solidly despite the hero's flexible, yet effective, armour.

Agony laced up his side and Beans buried a metal stake in his chest, missing his heart and plunging into the right side of his chest. The hero screamed with pain, then grabbed both Beans' and Solidarity's arms, sending fire up the limbs and setting them on fire. Both villains yelled and pulled away, swatting at the flames to put them out. Combustion breathed raggedly as he forced himself to stand – knife still embedded in his chest – and finish the battle.

Unfortunately, the Bad Boys weren't keen on sticking around. They took one look at their burned and scarred suits, gingerly moving around second and borderline third-degree burns as they took stock of the situation. By unspoken agreement, they turned and fled, barely sparing a glance for the bleeding, gasping hero standing ready to battle them to the death if it meant protecting the city.

Once the villains were out of sight, Combustion staggered to a street lamp and leaned against the freezing metal, barely illuminated by the burning out light bulb. He pressed a button on his suit and watched the armour retract, leaving him in civilian clothing. This way, his secret identity wouldn't be exposed if help were to come, which was unlikely. After all, it was post rush hour and the crowds had all but disappeared into their homes for dinner.

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