This is Where the Fun Begins (pt. 2) [Tango, Xisuma]

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Tango's palms were sweaty as he walked to the Jedi's room, clutching the datapad with the results of his test on it. He refused to look at the numbers, petrified at the thought of the fresh data. He forced himself to walk on, fighting the tensing in his chest as his heart and breathing began to speed up.

He requested me. I'm the third person he wants to see. Why me? Why me? Is there something I did wrong? Maybe he just wants to say thank you and that's it. Then why would he ask for a blood test? What is happening?

"Jedi Master Void," he greeted, arriving at the door. Why the Jedi had requested his presence was a complete mystery, so he stood rock-still as the Jedi examined him. Master Void smiled, gesturing for him to enter the room and sit in one of the chairs. Tango handed him the datapad as he passed, making himself as small as possible in the seat.

Master Void's expression changed to one of complete seriousness as he looked over the results. He sat across from Tango, tapping the device on his palm. Finally, he spoke, his voice low with a glimmer of hope.

"Have you ever experienced Force sensitivity?" he asked, making direct eye contact with the man across from him. Tango ransacked his memories, trying to find a spot of odd events in his life.

He shook his head. "I've only ever gotten bad feelings right before something bad happens," he replied slowly. "I don't think that counts."

Master Void nodded. "Sensing a disturbance in the Force is a type of sensitivity," he mused. He brought out the lightsaber he had just been reunited with. He looked kindly at Tango. "You also displayed Force healing back on the ship. You trust your feelings more than your head and tend to let that guide your shots. Objects are more responsive to your requests. Your reflexes are faster."

"Sir, what does this mean?" Tango whispered, fear clutching his heart.

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side," Master Void reproached, watching Tango shrink further into himself. He raised his wrist, speaking into the comms and requesting for a ship to be prepared. Radio chatter came from the other end as he nodded, setting down the comlink.

"What's happening?" Tango asked, trying to reign in his fear and sit taller in his chair.

"Young Tango." How did he know his name? "I would like to take you as my Padawan for the upcoming war. The Force has told me that this is the best course of action going forward."

Tango's breathing sped as he leaped to his feet. The deeply buried dream of becoming a Jedi Knight was reawakened in his mind. "Yes, Master," he replied, a fountain of emotion rushing in his head.

"Just call me Xisuma," he said kindly. pulling the ecstatic teen into a hug. "Ready to start?"

Tango nodded vigorously.


"Are you sure this is safe?" Cub asked, looking at the massive, overgrown Jedi Temple. He'd insisted on joining their small mission crew to Falaston, the planet housing one of the many Temples scattered across the Galaxy. Doc and Ren stood by in the ship, ready to help the party escape the moment Imperial troops got wind of their mission.

Impulse grabbed Tango by the shoulder reassuringly as Xisuma responded. "More than safe. Trust in the Force, Tango," he said to his red-eyed Padawan. "You'll only find what you take in. You won't need your weapon."

Tango nodded, handing his blaster to Impulse and striding up to the massive temple doors. He tried to relax, branching out with his feelings into the Temple. A locking mechanism clicked as he pushed it, revealing a poorly lit corridor. He made a single glance backward before advancing, the doors sealing shut behind him.

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