An appetite that only hatred satiates [Evil Xisuma]

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Febuwhump Day 27: Left For Dead ft. voidwalker!EvilXisuma (Zachary)

The war was over, and Zachary thought he was, too. That is, until he woke up with foggy memories and a crystalline feeling of rage.

TWs: talk of death, implied character injury

Title taken from We're the Same by TryHardNinja

He opened his eyes to a dark ceiling and almost immediately squeezed them shut again as pain laced up his side. He breathed sharply as the pain came and went in jagged waves, spiking and receding in an almost-predictable pattern.

"Zachary?" a voice called above him, and he groaned, shifting in a body that didn't feel like his own. "Zachary, are you with us?"

He opened his eyes again and began to move his mouth, feeling his tongue flop around before he could form basic words. "Yeah," he slurred, barely managing to get the syllable out before another spike of pain shot through his body.

"Good, good," they said. "What do you remember?"

Zachary shook his head. "Nothing," he managed, then his eyes opened, darting left and right. "Xelqua – is he alright?"

"No trace," the voice said. They sounded almost sad, but also like they were concealing something.

Zachary was too tired to prod, struggling to form more words. "Xisuma. What of Xisuma?"

There was an audible frown in the voice as they spoke. "Gone: fled. He left you here, thinking you were dead."

"But I'm not dead," Zachary responded as something moved in his chest, swelling and boiling with– was it anger?

"He didn't even bother to check," the voice mourned. "How could he not care for his own brother?"

Fury stirred, right where his heart was. He suppressed it, saying, "He came back, though, right? He came back for me?"

"No," the voice – a Watcher's voice – murmured, "we can barely detect him now. He's gone, Zachary."

Zachary couldn't contain himself anymore. "I'll kill him," he vowed. "I'll kill him. Then he'll see what it's like to be dead."


Whee! Another short one! Another friendly reminder that Day 28 will be in Demons and not here! :D

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