Spring Prompt Challenge: April 4 - Butterfly [Grian]

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The butterfly flit across the field. Its bright orange wings shimmered in the morning light, the slight translucency bouncing through and off the grass. A delicate insect, flying so innocently through the air. The butterfly was a master in its environment, wowing any who saw it, truly a Monarch of the tiny skies.

It was swatted from the sky by a hand.

"Dude! Why'd you do that?" Grian exclaimed.

"I don't like butterflies."

"I can't believe you. Why don't you like 'em?"

"They're spying on me."

"What do you mean, spying on you?"

"They tell people what I do! I didn't tell anyone that I removed the pumpkin from Pumpkin tunnel! It was the butterfly!"

"You realize I saw you do it, right?"

"No! You didn't!"

"Whatever, man."

"Exactly. Now, I gotta get going. Resources to gather, houses to build, you know, the usual."

Grian sighed. "Whatever. I'll see you later." He watched his friend run off into the forest. Making sure his friend had left, he bent down, cupping the butterfly in his hands. "I'm sorry, little guy," he said as the butterfly's wings quivered. It flopped to the side as he watched it.

Cautiously, Grian carried the butterfly back to the Empire. He laid it to rest in the center of his garden. Such a cruel twist of fate to befall such a beautiful creature.


No regrets.

Ok, so I regret it a little. I really wasn't too inspired when I wrote this, so I sincerely apologize for the pitiful ~200 words. Welp, that's it, I guess.

I actually slept last night, so yay. I'm more tired when I have 8 hours of sleep than 6, so... I honestly have no idea anymore. I'm not gonna be redoing this later, so it's more like a Halfshot, now that I think about it. I'm too tired.


P.S. If I killed this butterfly, did I kill myself? I am a ButterFly... I'm so tired lol

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