Spring Prompt Challenge: April 5 - Kite [Mumbo]

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"Hey Mumbo! Look at this!" Grian waved the spool of thread around, the end of it flying up into the sky and defying gravity. My gaze followed it before finally lighting on the colorful kite that soared and dove about us.

"I see it, Grian!" I call back. "It's beautiful!" The patterns of blue and red on the kite complement each other, making each of them pop in unique ways. I stood up from the fallen tree I was leaning against and walked over to the red sweatered hermit, keeping my eyes on the kite as it wove through the sky.

My vision changed, shaking in every direction. I land with an 'oof' on the ground, having tripped over a rock. Grian doubled over laughing as I picked myself up, dusting off my suit jacket and smoothing the creases.

I ignore him, gesturing to the playful kite in the sky. "Did you make that yourself?"

"Yeah!" The wind rustles his hair, touseling it. His kite does a loop, causing him to exclaim in joy. "Did you see that, Mumbo? It went all the way around!"

"Yeah, I did see that. It was pretty cool, right?"

"It was awesome."

Suddenly, the wind died down, and the kite plummeted from the sky, landing in a heap nearby. Grian frowned, his sad eyes penetrating my soul. "Here," I say, gently, "I'll help you get it flying again."

I walk about twenty blocks away, holding the kite, and wait for the wind. It blows suddenly, and I throw the paper kite into the air. It dips and soars, flying high above us as Grian tugs on the string, trying to keep it under control. Finally, he sits down on the fallen branch to watch his kite. I sit down next to him. Somehow, I begin thinking of all the things that could go wrong in a situation such as this one. Unlikely, but possible.

I push those thoughts aside. There are more important things here. I don't have to let my anxiety rule me. It never will.

There are more things to life than just feelings. There is also the factor of humanity. We're all human and prone to mistakes, bad thoughts, and harmful thoughts. I just won't let them control me.

I have the best friend in the world right next to me. Life is full of sacrifices. There are very few things that I won't sacrifice to spend time with friends.


Hello, hi, the early morning twoshots are starting again, lol. I need a sleep schedule.

Anyways, get some rest, sleep, whatever you need to be feeling at a hundred percent today.

Welp, have a great day/night. Get some sun! You will love it.


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