10k Special (Y'all are insane)

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HOW ARE WE AT 10K READS (almost 11k I procrastinated sorry) BARELY 6 MONTHS AFTER THE 5K SPECIAL



Anyways, for this special, I've decided to do a Q&A haha


First questions from PacificExists:

Do you write your oneshots on Google docs?

Yes, yes I do. That document is over 150k words long and lags out my computer whenever I open it. I started a new one for Febuwhump, but I'm honestly thinking about turning that into my ONESHOTS 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO document.

How did you discover Hermitcraft?

I was doing self-paced Driver's Ed and was really bored and really didn't enjoy the content. For some reason, in America, they like to teach kids how to drive by showing them what happens when they don't drive correctly (screaming Elmo meme).

How did you discover Wattpad?

I was bored at Thanksgiving and, through some cursed vine of the internet, discovered that ✨fanfiction✨ was a thing. Since Hermitcraft was the only thing I was really into... yeah. I just looked up "Hermitcraft fanfiction" and clicked on the first link. Made my account and I've been here ever since <3

Do you prefer writing angst or fluff?

P-p-pacific... have you seen what I write /lh

In all seriousness, I love angst. I will not hide that. I will proudly wear the fact like a badge of honour and salute my readers as they throw me in a volcano after stealing my ankles :D

I do like writing fluff, though...

But only so I can increase the angst.

NEXT question from EvolvedGlitch

Where do you li-

Great question! I believe you were trying to ask "Where do you live?" before being cut off. I live on this neat little planet called "Earth" in a wacky country call "America" in a beautiful subdivision called "Montana". Thanks for asking!

I will take any and all opportunities to mess with Glitch.

From the random icebreaker website:

Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes. There's actually a haunted building on my college campus that people actively use and live in. People just aren't allowed in a certain area on the fourth floor.

GayShnek has an interesting one:

Hermitcraft or life series?

I can't properly choose, given that they're both amazing sources of content. However, I do know that if I want to cry, all I have to do is watch Impulse's 3rd Life Finale.

Finally, we'll wrap it up with a few from Miso_does_art:

Favourite member from Hermitcraft and Empires?

This shouldn't surprise you (or maybe it will): Impulse from Hermitcraft, and Pixlriffs from Empires. Joel is also a very cool (and sexy and handsome and okay Joel give me back my keyboard) content creator.

Why did you decide to start making fics?

It wasn't me, it was the little characters running around in my head and banging pots and pans together. The pots and pans were all labelled "Angst", by the way (and a few sugar spoons were labelled "Crack" and "Fluff").

Do you have any pets?

I had a son named "Jeremy". Jeremy was a jumping spider the size of the head of a pin. Jeremy ran away after I had known him for 10 minutes. RIP Jeremy.

Favourite game(s)?

Phasmophobia. (And Minecraft is there too, but I really like hunting ghosts-)

Which oneshot is your favourite that you've done?

Wither Heart. That sick fic is so. Yeah. Mmm. I am so proud of it :)

Where did the name "JadedSundragon" come from?

My process:

Step 1: parody PearlescentMoon (JadedSun).

Step 2: decided that it was too similar and that I needed my own ✨brand✨.

Step 3: add "dragon" to the end because I like dragons.

Step 4: realise that "jaded" is an actual word.

Step 5: keep it anyway because "jaded" actually describes me (happy accident)

Step 6: there is no step six I'm done figuring this out /lh

Yep, those are all the questions. Honestly, they were fun to answer and I am very tired and will be going to bed now lmao

If you've got any more, I'll be answering them in the comments (or saving them for a future Q&A, who knows lol)

Ciao for now!

Oneshots! (Mostly Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now