Phasmophobia (a free-verse poem) [Anon.]

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Febuwhump Day 6: "You Lied to Me" ft. anonymous

I wrote this for my English class :)

TW: implied/referenced death

You lied to me.
You said you'd come back,
fate had other plans.

We knew the ghost was angry, freezing temperatures
burning the air. We were in its resting place,
it showed us we weren't welcome. It
slammed the doors and banged the walls,
glowing fingerprints left behind. A kitchen knife,
from its child-proof drawer, skewered a
painting when you ducked out of the way.

But ghost hunting cured our depression like
no other activity would. We could never give it up,
but death reminded us it was just one step away,
awaiting one or the other in our triplet dance:
two of us, friends soulbound, racing from death.

An upturned, ratty carpet. I watched
the window as the furious shadows reached around and
snapped your fragile neck. Nothing I could do,
front door sealed shut, only opening when
the raging ghost lost the energy to hunt.

I cannot describe the pain I felt when I saw
you laying there. You lied to me, said you'd come back,
that I would feel your warmth again.
You lied to me and left me with the frozen, angry house.


Okay, shorter thing today because I wanted to address another thing:

I am getting dangerously close to 10k reads. Which is insane. Thank you guys so, so much. I have no clue what to do for this milestone, so any suggestions are very welcome. Q&A chapter? Knowing me, it'll probably be late. Lol.

It's crazy to me how I celebrated 5k reads less than 6 months ago. Absolutely insane. I'm so happy people enjoy my work enough to stick around and read it, even though most of these (especially the early ones) are c r i n g e.

Once again, thank you all so, so, so, much for reading. It truly means a lot <3

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