But I am Hell Bound [Impulse]

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Summary (pulled from the AO3 edition):

Impulse is a demon. A demon with morals. Weird, huh? He's got one last chance before his soul is destroyed and scattered across the universe. All he has to do is make a deal with a mortal, take their soul, and return to Hades. It's simple, according to his manager, who even remarks that it hopes Impulse gets summoned by a moron. Turns out, that "moron" is the one and only Scar Goodtimes, who just wanted to see what a summoning circle actually did. Grian and Skizz find out, and Impulse gets roped into a deal he knows he can't keep for the sake of his morals and Scar's wellbeing. Everything goes to the Nether from there.


Impulse is worried, Scar is confused, Grian is Grian, and Skizz is secretive. Surely nothing can go wrong, right?

Title from Demons by Imagine Dragons

Short A/N (pulled from the AO3 edition):

DISCLAIMER: This is not typical demonic behaviour. Demons are cunning, intelligent, and evil manipulators. However, for the sake of :sparkles: fanfiction, :sparkles: I'm gonna be going with the usual depiction of demons we see here in our lovely fandom.

There are Christian references because I cannot describe a Phasmophobia setting without it, given that one of the crucial items is literally a cross (fun fact: it isn't a true crucifix because it doesn't have the crucified body of Christ on it). The references are pretty minor if you want to ignore them, or you can absorb them however much you want to.

Anyway, that's it for my little waffle. Time to get into the other minor details that you'll need to know so you aren't confused.

-Modern setting, permadeath AU
-The use of the word 'Hades' in this fic references Hell.
-Humans and hybrids live on the Topside. The Topside has 3 distinct regions: Overworld, Nether, and End. These reflect the dimensions of the Minecraft universe and are connected by established roads. Other than that, everything is as it usually is.
- ":) is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything." -Ember

Without further ado,

TW: blood, demons, ghosts, graphic description of injuries

The demon let out an unearthly hiss, startling its adversaries. It was nearly time. Its energy was nearly at its threshold, then it could hunt. A little bit more, now, from the draining sanity and increasing fear of the hunters milling about in his room, his house, his home. The demon growled as one of the hunters came into the room with another cross. It could already feel the burning heat from the holy object as the hunter moved to lay it in the centre of the kitchen. The demon didn't give him a chance; it sprang forward, materialising into the human plane of reality.

Its eyes glowed gold as pitch black claws wrapped around the cross-bearing hunter's neck, digging into his delicate skin. Horns emerged from its scalp, lustrous gold - like its eyes - gleaming in the flickering lights from where they jutted out from his forehead. The hunter's companion lit a smudge stick, causing the demon to reel away, fanning the smoke out of its face. The demon could hear them running through the house, footsteps pounding in the hallways as they sought sanctuary in closets and behind furniture.

The smog cleared and the demon leapt forward again, a whip-thin tail completing its look. It remained humanoid for the most part, save for the horns and razor-sharp claws. It found the first hunter easily, picking him up by the neck and throwing him to the floor in front of the front door. The hunter gasped for air as he pressed against the wall, the empty journal forgotten on the floor.

The demon left him there, searching for the three remaining humans in its haunt. Two were cowering behind the living room couch, sandwiched helplessly between the wall and cushions. They violently joined the first hunter, both clutching hands to their scratched and bleeding throats.

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