For the Bad Boys (pt. 1) [Joel]

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Febuwhump Day 17: Hostage Situation ft. Wolf!Joel

The Bad Boys are on a rescue mission to save a member of the Life gang from the Watchers, a powerful gang with control over most of the city's streets. Luckily, Joel isn't afraid to go slightly feral. Grian disapproves, but he can't stop him. He's a big, strong boy with good muscles.


I said "Okay, but what if the Life games all got condensed and mashed into a modern gang AU. And what if they're slightly feral. This is definitely a good idea."

TWs: violence, blood and injuries, feral Joel

In which Joel gets to give some kisses on the neck

Joel knocked the defender's gun out of his hands as he leapt around the corner, claws slashing upwards. He drew his pistol and shot him in the chest, causing a fountain of blood to burst out of his chest and splatter on the floor and the front of his leather jacket. He scowled in annoyance as he refused to give up, swinging a wide punch toward his head. He caught his fist and stepped forward, closing the gap between their bodies. He picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, and he crashed to the ground with a pained cry.

He didn't try to get up again.

Behind him, Grian fired off several pistols at the group of gang members clustered around the main door of the complex. One of them managed to dodge, scaly wings shooting outwards as she balanced her matrix-level dodge. One hand drew a throwing knife and launched it at Grian with deadly accuracy. He flared his wings and jumped into the air, knife glancing off his boot, and dive-bombed her with a shout. She tried to jump into the air to meet him, but his studded boot came down solidly in the centre of her chest and took her to the ground.

Joel bounded forward, wolf tail swishing behind him as he picked up his crowbar and jammed it into the crack between the door and the frame. He grunted as he yanked on the improvised lever, digging his feet into the cracked asphalt as the door began cracking open. The metal bar came out and he stumbled backwards, the door only half open. Grian scowled and jumped into the air, flying back roughly twenty metres and launching himself at the door. He slammed into it feet first, creating a large dent. As he flew back for a second strike, Joel smashed the end of the crowbar into the centre of the mess, breaking down the door further.

Grian's second attempt sent him crashing into the warehouse. Joel was barely a second behind him, reloading his pistol as he ducked inside, narrowly dodging the slash of a knife. Grian cried out as another defender's blade cut through his cheek as he failed to dodge after finding his footing. His wings buffeted his opponent as he drew his knife and batted his aside. He lunged forward, burying it in his throat, and spun around to leap at another guard.

Joel dodged another near miss from the knife as the opposing gang member attacked him from the shadows. He snarled and kicked her in the centre of her chest, causing her to stumble backwards. He jumped forward, grabbing her arms. He dug his fangs into her throat, warm blood bursting into his mouth as he tore her flesh apart. She collapsed with a surprised gurgle, the knife falling to the ground with a clatter. He swept it off the floor, spitting the blood out of his mouth and wiping his face with his jacket sleeve. With that, he catapulted himself at the only remaining guard as Grian ended his opponent.

Joel took a step back from his attacker and fired his pistol into his chest. This time, the bullet punched into the flesh directly above his collarbone, bursting a vein. He pressed a hand to the injury as he gave ground, fearful eyes watching Joel as he advanced. Joel snarled as he shoved the edge of his new knife against his throat, pressing threateningly.

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