Toss and Turn [Bdubs]

167 4 9

Prompt: Insomnia


He glared at the ceiling.

It stared complacently back.

Bdubs wasn't sure what to make of this. Usually, he fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow if he wasn't already nodding off beforehand. Even if he didn't, a quick walk around his room and a bottle of water usually did the trick. He grunted dismally, flipping onto his side and glaring at the wall. It didn't seem to share his opinion on the unfairness that he, the prince of sleep, was suffering from insomnia.

He tried to think through the last few days. Surely a stressor or pressing matter required his mind to be wired tonight. Perhaps something one of the hermits had said had left him more disturbed than he thought. It wasn't uncommon to walk in on a strange conversation. He shook himself, dismissing both of the possibilities.

More hypotheses grew in his mind. Was he in love? Probably not. Was there an idea waiting for the perfect moment to break loose? He ground his teeth. If there was, it could surely wait until tomorrow. However, his brain seemed unwilling to allow him to do so.

He tossed and turned, trying to find a position that would allow him to sleep. Suddenly, he sat bolt upright. Two voices were speaking beneath his window.

"Should we tell him?" That was Scar's voice.

"I dunno, it's up to you." It was Etho, the usual mischief present in his voice. Perhaps more than normal.

"It's kind of funny."

"What?!" Bdubs shouted, peeking outside.

Neither Etho nor Scar could control themselves. They leaned on each other in hysterics, heaving for breath as they struggled to regain their composure.

"Well, Etho wanted to have a bit of fun," Scar began.

"Scar had a lot of blocks," Etho continued.

"And Etho knew how to mess with your clock," Scar finished.

"WAIT," Bdubs yelled. "IT'S NOT NIGHT???!!!!"

Simultaneously, both hermits fell on top of each other in hysterics again. Their shoulders shook as they let loose every hoot, giggle, and chuckle they stored in their bodies. Bdubs watched the two of them, irritated. He huffed, getting up and resetting his clock with a few button presses.

"Well, if you two are finished, I'll leave to work on my project," he sniffed, closing the window and grabbing his things. He broke through the concrete box the two had built and stepped into the bright daylight.


It's short, I know, but the irony is worth it.

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