Accio Tagged Me. [Jade]

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This chapter features: a tag, Minecraft/Watcher LORE, myself doing stuff, Accio_good_stories, and a bit of Harry Potter (since Accio is a professed Harry Potter fan).

My ragged breathing echoed on the canyon walls as I squeezed through another fissure in the rocks. Part of me prayed Accio wouldn't find me here, in the deepest tunnels of the ravine, but recent experiences with her declared otherwise. She was unpredictable and bold, both skills I had developed for years; it appears I rubbed off on her. She is a worthy adversary, but this is a game of tag I never asked to play.

The Angst War is a different story. I take great pride in saying I instigated the war; she only continued it. However, both sides have been silent for weeks. It appears we are waiting with bated breath for the next move. And that next move is from yours truly: Me.

I slowed in a small cavern, ducking into another crevice and crawling on my stomach through the rough, abrasive gravel. Pebbles dig into my skin as I worm forward, catching on to the simple black jacket and pants I wear each day. Dirt falls from the ceiling as I brush against a clump of protruding roots. I cough and cover my mouth rapidly, stifling further noise. A second later, I continue my taxing crawl forward.

Finally, the tunnel ends. I raise myself into a crouch and take off silently down another corridor. Lightning flashes overhead, signaling the beginning of one of the canyon's frequent electric storms. Thunder booms through the rocks half a second later, reverberating off the rocks.

I come to a standstill, turning slowly as I take in the natural sounds of rain falling in the gorge. I scowl in frustration: the pounding of the rain and screaming wind, interspersed with booming thunder are making it impossible to hear approaching footsteps. The Watcher symbol embroidered on the neck of my jacket glowed a quiet lilac, and I touched it, feeling the rush of power from the magic I could tap into. My vision faded into shades of blue and green as it switched to heat-seeking mode.

A red shape crept into view through the rocks, and I turned toward it silently, taking care to not disturb the pebbles beneath my feet. A lilac ball of energy formed in my hand, accompanied by the familiar tingling and warmth of the magic. I shook off the pleasurable feeling. There would be plenty of time to love my magic after I had escaped.

The red crept into view, turning the corner into the cavern I stood in. Without a thought, I threw the ball of energy at it, diving to the side as white-hot energy from an unsaid spell struck the rock behind me. I heard a yelp as my magic found its mark and switched my vision back to normal while preparing my next bolt of magic.

I had knocked the invisibility cloak off Accio, which left her bewildered as she scrambled to react. Rain drenched my hair as I stepped from beneath the overhang into the downpour.

"How did you know I was there?" she demanded, pointing her wand at me.

I raised the ball of lavender in front of me, ready to defend myself. "Don't underestimate the Watchers, Accio," I said softly, refusing to break eye contact. You can always predict their next move if you can see their eyes. "I have more powers than you can dream of."

Accio frowned, her eyes flicking back and forth as she calculated her next move.


I dodged again, deflecting the spell with the ball of magic. I reached for the mask in my coat pocket, removed my glasses, and placed it over my eyes. The world came into focus as the mask worked its magic. A bolt of energy in one hand, I threw it at her feet, summoning lightning from the sky.

"Protego!" Accio cried, nullifying the lightning with a blue blast.

I took advantage of the distraction and vaulted onto the wall, seizing the multitude of handholds and scaling it effortlessly. My breath came faster as I saw the sky clearly for the first time, the mask preventing the rain from entering my eyes.

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