The War of Faces (Hermittpad)

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This is the recap of a certain war my good friend EvolvedGlitch and I had a few days ago over Discord on the Hermittpad Community Server. Evo, please don't steal my face again, lest you wish to start another war. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule,  but we won't discuss those here (ew rules, what are those?).

Oh, and if you even think about stealing my grandparent's face, think again. I will never allow it.

Also, if it's past 12 am for you, GO TO BED AND SLEEP /lh /nf
I know the sleep schedules on Hermittpad are relatively nonexistent, but please take care of yourself. This story ain't going anywhere in the hours you sleep, lol.

[POV: Jade, 1st person]


I crept around the corner of the Hermittpad Discord building. Peering down the hallway, I tiptoed down the hardwood floors, careful to miss the creaky boards. The clock ticked on the wall, but the dim lighting didn't let me see the time. I reach the doorway I'm looking for and peek inside.

Evo is sitting at her desk, writing. Her face, :), – a drawing that serves as a signature for her author notes – rests against the windowsill. I silently walk into the room, my feet muffled by her thick carpet. I sneak up behind her, reaching my hand forward to grab the face. Triumphantly, I nab the drawing and dart out of the room.

"Hey!" Evo yells, getting up to chase after me. "That's my face!"

"Not anymore!!!" I shout back, picking up speed. Looping around corners, I shake Evo off my trail and reach my room, hiding the face in the bottom of my most recent chapter. It'll take a while for her to find it there, I think with a smile.

I weave my way back to the room I had last seen Evo, which happened to be the quotes room. This is the room where we share all the random quotes or sayings we come across. I cross to the board and write, in big letters, 'I stole Evo's face :P' across the next open slot. The uneven scrawl catches Evo's eye as she comes back to the room after an unsuccessful chase.

"It's still mine," I giggle after she reads it.

"Noo!" she shouts. "I will find it and it will be mine, even if it means a war!"

"War started long ago," I reply, grinning broadly.

"War," my grandparent, Tech, said, beaming.

"Did someone say war?" Nico asked as she poked her head into the room.

"We're starting a war now, ay?" Leaf asked, walking into the room, arms crossed.

Maiden quickly joined Evo's side while Tech sided with me. I grinned even wider at the shenanigans. Evo glared at me playfully while we bantered back and forth.

"Hey, do you think we should move to one of the more general chat rooms?" Evo asked. "We're kinda crowding up the quotes room."


We reach the room and resume the playful banter. Soon, Evo is chasing me up and down the walls of the room, trying to figure out where I hid her face. I scramble up the wallpaper, with Evo close behind.

"I'm speed!" I shout, leaping off a lamp.

"Hah!" Evo yells, "I'm as fast as lightning! Light's on my side, and it's super fast!"

"Well, I'm faster than light!" I scream. "Yeah! That makes sense! I'm definitely not a wannabe doctor who should know this stuff!"

"Wait, really? Me too!" Evo yells. I slow down marginally before realizing I'm supposed to still be running. I sprint off down one of the hallways with Evo close behind. I hear her almost bump into several things as she scans everything for any sign of her face.

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