Tennis of Tables [Etho, Grian, others]

305 8 14

[POV: 3rd person (much shock. Jade is using 3rd person?!)]

Season 8


The table was new.

You saw a lot of crazy things on Hermitcraft, especially now that everyone had taken that carved pumpkin modification class. Map art from previous seasons, custom badges and trophies, and even tree costumes, came out of the chaos.

Grian quite enjoyed it. The number of times he'd pranked someone using a disguised carved pumpkin was beyond count. But the table was new. Grian moved closer, examining the blue surface. A net cut it in half the short way, while a white line ran perpendicular to it.

The room itself was similar to the rest of the builds. Leaves hung from the wooden ceiling and a large glass window occupied one of the walls. The other three were stone, not yet decorated, and a doorway lead to the balcony on the other side of the window.

Etho walked into the room, carrying two wooden paddles. Grian froze, hiding the water bucket in his inventory. He'd been planning to rig a couple of the doors to dump water on unsuspecting victims. Etho and Iskall were his first targets, after Boatem.

"Oh, hey, Grian," the ninja commented, drawing a white ball from his pocket. He bounced it on the table a few times with his paddle before hitting it across the net.

"Hey Etho," Grian replied. "What's this?"

"Ping pong. You wanna play?"

"Uhm, sure."

Etho tossed him a paddle. The wide part was coated with some sort of bouncy substance, like slime, but a bit denser. One side was painted black, and the other red. Etho waved the white ball, asking if Grian was ready. The red-sweatered hermit nodded nervously and Etho bounced the ball over the net.

Grian somehow managed to hit the ball back, the tiny sphere bouncing in the far corner of the table. Etho sent it back, and they rallied for several minutes. Grian hit the ball off the wall and Etho caught it, returning it with some topspin. The ball bounced off in an unprecedented direction, rolling to a stop in the corner of the room.

"That was pretty good," Grian said. Etho nodded, pulling his mask farther up his nose.

<MumboJumbo> GRIAN

<Grian> yeah?


<Grian> idk what you're talking about

<MumboJumbo> where are you right now?

<Grian> Etho's base

<ImpulseSV> Im coming too

<Grian> Yay! Party time!

Grian closed his communicator, smiling at the ninja across the table from him. Etho smiled back, the corners of his eyes creasing.

"Wanna go again?" he asked.

"You bet," Grian answered. Etho served the ping pong ball again and the two players became intensely concentrated on the game in front of them. The ball whizzed back and forth, sometimes hitting the ground. They didn't mind, swooping it up before it bounced twice and continuing the game.

A player crashing into the walls outside alerted them to newcomers. Grian missed the ball and scooped it up in his hand. Mumbo and Impulse came in, their hair and clothes damp from the water Grian had set up.

"Grian, I'd like an- what are you guys doing?" Mumbo asked.

"We're playing ping pong," Etho supplied, readying his paddle. Grian tossed the ball and hit it across the net. Etho speedily returned it, starting yet another rally.

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