Regrets [Grian, Scar]

393 10 19

[POV: Grian, 1st person]

TW: blood, angst, death, violence, body fluids, fire, death


I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew something was wrong with the end portal. I knew there was something wrong the second you showed up with that compound bow, flashing with enchantments. I knew from how you seemed to stir the Void with the tip of that bow.

And I still knocked you in.

I was even smart about it, throwing bits of dirt in to "test" the portal. Both of us know that's not what I was doing. Both of us knew I would push you in the second I got close enough. There was no way I could have guessed what would happen next.

Scar, buddy, how has it changed you? It's transformed you. It's given you a craving for blood, just so you can yell "Hawkeye!" again. The first time was merely a joke. I think. But I should have known something was wrong when you broke the blocks separating me from the Void.

It kept happening. You kept coming. You targeted me first before moving on to the other hermits. I almost hoped you would keep doing it to me, just to spare the others the pain. The flaming arrows embedding themselves in my skin. It should only be my punishment. My punishment for causing this.

What keeps you coming back to this needless violence? Why do your thoughts turn to it time and time again, each time you unsling your bow from your side? What happiness does it give you?

Has my best friend become a smiling maniac with an urgent need to see the blood weeping from the arrow wounds?

How do you find joy in it? Each time it's the same. Wooshing elytra wings, the thrum of the bowstring, and the blistering pain as the flaming hot tip embeds itself. Then, raucous laughter as you swoop for a second pass.

Seconds later, the pain of respawn as the wounds grow back together and leave me perfectly ready to receive your attack again.

And now my best friend has broadened his horizons, hasn't he?

You've moved on to more targets. You go out to shoot the others and not just me. In a way, it's a relief. Until I hear their screams of pain and watch their faces contort into agony before they fade away to appear back at their beds. Is there a single player on this server who hasn't received your attack?

There probably isn't.

An arrow thuds in the wall next to my head. I look up to see you swooping closer and bring up my hands in front of my face in a vain attempt to preserve myself. Glass shatters as the arrow pierces the metal and glass band on my wrist, linking me to the world.

The fire catches onto my skin and sweater, stopping the bloodflow as it sears the skin around the wound. I shriek as I hear your rockets fire coming closer and faster. The force of that compound bow you first had all those weeks ago rams into my chest, flames blossoming from the wound and consuming me.

The pain levels go higher than anything I've experienced before.


I watch the second arrow hit Grian full in chest, knocking him backward. The flames catch onto his clothing and hair as he collapses on the stone.


He's not disappearing.

Why isn't he disappearing.

Oh Notch, no. Please no.

It was fun at first. It was fun knowing I finally had a method of fighting that worked. Maybe that's how it should have stayed, instead of turning into a game of how many I could get.

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