Song Fic: 'Bleeding Out' by Imagine Dragons [False]

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The song is 'Bleeding Out' by Imagine Dragons. TW for blood, gore, injuries, and anything related to angst.

Uh no, there isn't any shipping. Just hermits being really good friends.


When the day has come

The mobs kept coming. I can't stop them. All I can do is hope that I can keep them away from you. My diamond sword swings in an arc as the zombie's blood spatters across the moonlit grass. I pivot quickly and drive it home into the torso of another of the sickly mobs.

That I've lost my way around

I scanned the area. You've moved to a safer place. Good. I clamber up a hill, only to find it broken by a ravine, preventing me from reaching you. I evade a zombie, dodging around boulders, trying to find a way to get to you and protect you. The crevice narrows, showing me a gap I can jump.

I sheathe my sword and jump, landing roughly on the opposite side. I see the light reflecting off your armor, making the green and gray pearlescent in the moonlight. I hear a hiss behind me as a creeper jumps over. In a single motion, I beat it back over the ravine as it hisses and explodes.

And the seasons stop

The mobs stop swarming the edge as I move out of their range. A flight of arrows streaks from the nearby trees, one of them burying its head in my shoulder. I hiss at the pain, clutching my hand to the wound. I see you at the top of the hill, on a pillar and surrounded by leaping and reaching mobs.

And hide beneath the ground

I wade into their midst as you work the commands, trying to get the data pack to work. Mindlessly slashing left and right, fending off the mobs that are trying to kill us both. The sun rises as the code begins to work again. I watch the mobs burn in the early morning sunlight.

"False, you're hurt," you say. I look up to meet your eyes, obscured by the visor. A flash of metal behind you and I find myself leaping to take down the zombie that appeared out of the forest. Gold metal covers its limbs. It glints in the light as it attacks, swinging an enchanted sword. Your arrow flies through the air, striking it, but it keeps coming.

I can't get close enough. Except. There is one way.

You knew what I was thinking, crying "False, no!" seconds before I committed the act. Both the mob and I fall to the ground, the zombie disappearing in a puff of smoke.

When the sky turns gray

I watch the sky turn dark and gray. There are no clouds. Subtly, I can feel your arms around me, lifting me into the air.

And everything is screaming

Pain surrounds every feeling. The slight jostle as you run across the field. The throbbing pain of the arrow and the bleeding wound. I knew there was only a small chance that I would be able to complete the action without being injured. I took the chance, but luck was not on my side.

I will reach inside

I will sacrifice myself for you. That's what friends do. We make all these little sacrifices to help our friends live their best lives.

Just to find my heart is beating

I've never felt happier than when I'm able to sacrifice. I sacrifice my time to hang out with you. I sacrifice my materials to make a prank with you. I sacrifice my brain cells to derp out with you.

I sacrifice my life so that you can live.

Oh, but you tell me to hold on

I feel you rush inside a building with me in your arms. Dimly, I can hear you calling for help. I feel the soft support of a bed as my vision fades in and out. I can feel sleep calling to me.

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