Spring Prompt Challenge: April 2 - Thunderstorm [Impulse]

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The skies were clear. Pure blue as far as the eye could see, even if the render distance was a little bit down. Impulse took a deep breath, absorbing the fresh spring air. The perfect spring sunshine, the small, brisk breeze, the flowers that were beginning to bloom, all of it was perfect. It was beauty at its finest.

He strolled along the new paths in Boatem, scouting out the land for his next shop. The small knolls presented nice areas for the shop, but Impulse wanted it to be perfect. The perfect location so that everyone could see his shop.

A strong wind swept the plain. Impulse shivered at the sudden gust. Dark clouds began to roll in, darkening the sky and dimming the light. Rain began to patter down, lightly at first, and then heavier and heavier. Impulse began running back to his starter house to get out of the rain. Halfway there, thunder clapped, a resounding boom that shook the heavens and the earth. Lightning struck the ground a hundred blocks away, resulting in an even louder boom.

Impulse cried out, covering his ears. I have to get inside. I can make it. It's just a little thunder. nothing to worry about. It's just thunder.

But it wasn't just thunder. Impulse had barely made it back into his house when he collapsed, his nervous system giving out from the sheer terror of the storm. He leaned against a chest, fighting to get air back into his body. No success. He began to hyperventilate, hoping that the faster he breathes, the more air in his lungs. Not so.

Thunder boomed again, the concussive sound reverberating off of the walls. It was like a thousand blocks of TNT had gone off at exactly the same time, amplified by another hundred thousand. Lightning flashed right outside his window, bathing the interior of his house with blinding white lights.

Impulse couldn't get enough air. Each time the thunder roared and lightning flashed, it spiraled him back into the cycle of trying to breathe. Eventually, he gave up. Black crept around his vision as he stopped breathing. I can't give up. I have to stay awake. I have to breathe.


Impulse struggled to take in a full breath, the thunder scaring him each time it roared. He cried out as another crash shook his head. He resorted to curling up at the base of his stairs, with no strength to do anything else. He lay there, petrified in a ball, trying desperately to hide from the noise.

Doc was nearby, the GOAT enjoying the thunderstorm. He smiled at the percussion of the skies, reveling in the power of nature. He heard Impulse's cry and hurried to the tiny house, suddenly reminded of the redstoner's fear of loud sounds. He found the player scrunched into a tiny ball at the base of his staircase, doing his best to shut out the sound.

<Docm77> Impulse is freaking out. What do I do?

<TangoTek> brt

Thunder echoed as lightning flashed. Tango weaved around the bolts of electricity, flying as quickly as he could to Impulse's. He swerved violently to avoid a strike that nearly incinerated his hair, almost crashing face-first into the ground outside Impulse's house.

He burst through the door, dripping wet. He made his way around Doc, asking if he could brew some tea. Tango pried one of Impulse's arms away from his head, placing it on his chest. Immediately, the redstoner latched on, pulling at Tango's red t-shirt. Tango breathed deeply so  Impulse could feel the rhythm of his breaths.

Slowly and painfully, Tango managed to calm Impulse, reassuring the player with soft words and light breaths. Doc came in with the tea, and Impulse accepted the steaming mug, still shaking slightly. Impulse's shuddering breaths came through the silence between the crashes that were growing more and more infrequent.

"You feeling alright, buddy?" Tango asked. Impulse nodded.

"Don't feel like talking?" impulse shook his head.

"That's alright. Do you want to go upstairs to your bed?" Another nod. Tango lifted him up gently, taking the exhausted player upstairs and putting him to bed. Impulse finished his tea before laying down to sleep.

Panic attacks are so exhausting. Impulse felt safe with Tango there. Maybe he could finally find his much-needed rest.


Another super short chapter lol. This was for the second day of HermittpadRecap's spring writing prompt challenge. That fluffy stuff you saw yesterday? That's probably the last of it for a while unless I feel particularly good. However, I'm absolutely exhausted yet again. I hope you have a splendid day/night!


P.S. Thank you so, so much for reading. It motivates me so much! You're amazing.

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