The Code Brothers [Evil Xisuma]

106 7 21

Febuwhump Day 9: Bees ft. Evil Xisuma -- A.K.A Exano
Requested by Miso_does_art

Exano has worked for the Company since he was young, following in his deceased parents' footsteps as he took on the role of caring for his little brother, Xisuma. Together, they loot abandoned bunkers for scraps and old parts, bringing them back to the Company to meet quota. Xisuma's only seven, though. Naturally, he shouldn't be travelling the moon by himself. However, an accident leaves Exano unable to stop him.


I really missed the sibling dynamic I created in a different work and had to work it into another AU ;-;

TWs: blood and injury, Lethal Company-typical violence

Hey there, Exano here. That's pronounced 'ecks-ah-noe' if you were wondering. I'm an intern here at The Company with my little brother, Xisuma. We're a two-Voidwalker team that goes around to various abandoned moons and scavenges for metal and scrap to bring back to The Company. It's dangerous, sure, but it pays alright. We'll take it over nothing.

I've been working for The Company for a while now; just over seven years. It's been hard raising Xisuma by myself and earning enough to keep us both alive, but I think I've done a good enough job. You could say I got into this because of our father – he always lived for adventure. Mother was the same way. That's how they died: together on one of these moons. Despite that... I can't give this up.

A few more details about us, just in case we don't make it back. We'd like a little more on our graves than just our names. As I said, my name's Exano Void and I'm nineteen years old. My little brother's name is Xisuma Void, and he's seven. Don't worry, Voidwalkers mature faster than humans. We come of age when we're twelve and gain independence. For now, Xisuma's forced to live with me. We have an apartment back on The Company's planet, but he insisted on coming with me as soon as he was able to. Looking back, I don't regret it. He's saved my hide more than once.

That's enough for now. The autopilot ship's landing on the moon, so we've got to prepare for the run. If we happen to die, I hope this gives you an idea of what to put on our graves.


Exano held his torch against the charging port, flinching as the electricity pulsed and refuelled the powerful LED flashlight. Despite the hundreds – maybe thousands – of times he's done this, it's still a shock, to say the least. Xisuma's no better, letting out a squeak when he does the same with his flashlight. Exano shook his head, picking up the STOP sign he'd grabbed on one of their previous runs. It's beaten up and bent, reinforced with metal plates and bolts where it'd nearly broken. Regardless, it does its job.

Xisuma picked up a flashbang and tucked it in his utility belt, ready to be drawn and thrown at a moment's notice. He exchanged a glance with his brother and pressed the green button, opening the door on the back of their ship and revealing a dense, foggy forest. In the distance, the tell-tale thud of a forest keeper's footsteps rang against the trees. Other than that, it was eerily silent.

The ship touched down, hydraulic legs extending and adjusting to keep the ship level on the uneven ground. A light mist descended on them, likely the result of a previous rainstorm. It clung to their armour, forming droplets that dribbled down the hard metal surface. Thankfully, the tight jumpsuits they wore under the plating were waterproof, otherwise, the liquid would leave splotchy red burns across their skin. That didn't stop the two from being uncomfortable as they vaulted over the railing, landing in crouches on the slightly squishy forest floor.

Pine needles crunched underfoot as Exano used his helmet to scan for the entrance to the bunker, simultaneously searching for threats such as eyeless dogs and creepers. None turned up as he spotted the large corroded pipes leading to the facility. He gestured to Xisuma and they took off in a jog, breathing smoothly through their respirators. They reached the ladder and climbed up it smoothly, pausing beneath the pock-marked roof to catch their breath and prepare for the inevitable beasts on the other side of the door.

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