Tagged Again

106 7 53

Tag performed by SayHiToDeathForMe (*sob* I thought I had longer before getting tagged again)

I crept through the dark hallway, alert for any noise. A tag had been going around lately, which I was certain I'd like to avoid. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen. Let's just say I'm not a runner. I was bound to get caught sooner or later.

"Hey Jade?"

I snap my head toward the sound, scanning the shadows for the source. Someone shifted halfway down the hallway, a flicker of movement in the solitary cone of light shining from the ceiling. Tentatively, I crept toward the light, trying to trust my black outfit to blend in.

Luck was not on my side.

"Tag! You're it!" Elf yells, dropping on top of me from Notch knows where. Honestly, they probably jumped off a shelf. The wooden storage units are scattered randomly across the walls, although most of them are empty in this section of the building.

I pick myself up from the floor, dusting myself off. "Dude, where'd you come from?" I asked, somehow having enough breath despite nearly falling again from laughter.

"Everywhere," they reply mysteriously. Our laughter doubles, something inside me breaking as I realize how much I've missed interacting with people.

"You okay?" Elf asks, noticing my sudden change in mood.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just been missing y'all, even though I deny it. Anyway, what's on this tag?"

They smirk, handing me the paper. I scan the instructions, raising an eyebrow at some of the questions. I look up to ask them a question, but they're already gone.

I sigh and return to my room. Guess I'll answer these as much as I can before hunting people down. I'm coming for you.


You guessed it from the title. I've been tagged again. True to form, I wrote a short story about being tagged. Unlike last time, though, I'll just put straightforward answers here at the bottom instead of including them in the story (it was a mess that way *cries*).

-2 facts about yourself-
I'm a stupid amount of tall
I'm a second degree black belt in taekwondo

-Do you like someone?-

-Do they like you back?-

-Do you play an instrument? If yes, what?-
I play violin and I teach myself piano. Am I good at either? That's up to society to decide.

I get called "Mom" by a lot of freshmen (now sophomores T-T) at the school I went to last year.

-What do you hate about a person?-
I don't like people who flirt with me or are deliberately annoying or mean. Other than that, I try to prevent arguments between people and in-general try to be a good friend. However, if you dare to mess with me or my friends, you will deeply regret it.

-Current lock screen-
Don't question anything.

-How many languages you speak-English is my primary language, I can speak/understand some Cantonese, and French will happen if I really try and you're patient with me

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-How many languages you speak-
English is my primary language, I can speak/understand some Cantonese, and French will happen if I really try and you're patient with me. I can also read Latin, but I don't think that counts.

-Show your face (or a part of it)-
Nah, you can have a picture of my guinea pig, Skizz.

-Tag some people-*realizes I don't know many people**realizes I can just tag people who followed me**realizes some of y'all were tagged already so I gotta figure out who to spread the love to*THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH

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-Tag some people-
*realizes I don't know many people*
*realizes I can just tag people who followed me*
*realizes some of y'all were tagged already so I gotta figure out who to spread the love to*












Sorry if I didn't tag you ;-;
My brain is tired and I need a rest
Just know that I love you all very much <3 /p

Editor Jade: I made an uh-oh
Sorry if I pinged you twice
My brain hates me ^-^

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