Hiatus [Mumbo]

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What's up, peeps, I've got a new thing. Some of you may recognize it, some of you may not. This is the Bad Things Happen Bingo (BTHB), inspired by Ariyaquila, who was inspired by Tumblr (I think).

I'm going to try and complete all of these without running out of motivation, so please wish me luck in the comments.

Prompt: Tearful Smile


"Mumbo, where are you going?" Grian asks, staring over my shoulder at the bags I'd packed.

I sigh, knowing there was no way I would have been able to avoid him before leaving. We're base neighbors, after all. I force a smile onto my face, squashing down the tears that were triggered every time I saw one of the hermits.

"I'm... just going on a little trip, Grian. I promise I'll be back, ok?" I reply, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He runs forward, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Am I too annoying?" he whispers. "I'll stop pranking you so much. Please stay."

A tear forces its way out of my eye, rolling down my cheek and soaking into his hair. I ruffle the mousy-brown hair, pushing him off and wiping my tears so he won't see how much leaving hurts me too.

"And who's gonna build the vault?" he continues. "I want to be able to break in someday."

"I know, buddy, I know. I'll come back, though. You know it. I always come back."

Seeing his face, I let my own tears fall, knowing that I'll miss my best friend just as much as he'll miss me. I force another smile, shoving it through all the twisted-up emotions.

Silently, we walk to spawn, with Grian carrying one of my bags (he'd insisted). Xisuma is already there, his face guarded and unreadable behind the visor. He has a lot to hide, never for a moment breaking his composure, although I suspect he's close to tears as well.

I take the bag from Griab, hoisting it over my free shoulder. I nod to the admin, letting him know I'm ready. He opens the portal out of the world and I step through, turning around to wave at Grian as the swirls close.

As the Hermitcraft server fades from view, I imprint the last scene into my mind:

Two smiles, equally forced, and two tear stained faces. Perhaps, even, a slight shake in Xisuma's forged, soldier-like appearance.


It's short ahh

Also no shipping because I don't relationship well.

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