For the Bad Boys (pt. 3) [Joel]

64 9 19

Febuwhump Day 25: Waterboarding ft. wolf!Joel
SEQUEL to Febuwhump Day 20: Truth Serum

TWs: waterboarding, violence

In which Joel learns what drowning is like

Joel weakly pushed up against his captors as they wrestled him into place, securing him to a board. He snapped his teeth at their hands as he was forced down, growling deep in his throat despite the lingering effects of the drug overdose. They tilted him backward so his feet were elevated and blood rushed to his head. He gagged, nauseous, as his vision swam, half-filled with unshed tears as his ribs throbbed, swollen against the bonds.

He could hear water sloshing in the background as he snarled, looking straight up into the eyes of the Watcher defiantly. The Watcher snorted derisively, then a cloth was put over Joel's face and tied into place, stifling his breathing.

"Where is the Life base?" the Watcher demanded for what may have been the hundredth time. "Come on, wolf-boy. Make this easy."

"Hell no," Joel snarled, and then water was being poured over his face and soaking the cloth.

It felt like he was drowning. His mouth filled with dirty, bitter water, and it took all his strength to try to cough it out. His ribs ached with every strained, fruitless movement, and more of the liquid flooded his mouth. He snorted and sputtered as it flowed into his nose, and he squeezed his eyes shut, writhing against his bonds.

A muffled gunshot rang out and he flinched, inhaling a mouthful of water and feeling it fill his lungs. He hacked as the seemingly-endless stream ended, leaving him heaving for air, water flowing out of his mouth and nose. His ribs and chest ached, and he could feel his ribs moving unnaturally as he pushed up, arching his back and giving a strangled howl past the saturated cloth covering his face.

The restraints were cut away as his face was uncovered and he tumbled to the ground, landing hard on his side. He cracked his eyes open as the last of his bonds were cut away, and he worked his hands under himself, pushing up. He almost collapsed, but his rescuer caught him and pulled his arm over their shoulder, slowly helping him stand. More gunshots rang out as his vision swam and his legs threatened to give out, forcing him to lean most of his weight on the person supporting him.

"Tim, get out!" he heard Grian call, right next to his ear, yet so far away.

"Right!" Jimmy yelled back, and several gunshots followed as a window shattered.

Grian's strong arms wrapped around his torso, crushing his ribs painfully. Joel gasped, hanging from the avian's grip as Grian launched them into the air, flying to a shattered window, backlit by the setting sun. Joel's foot clipped the frame as Grian shot through it, Jimmy close behind. Both of them had blood flecked on their faces and clothes as Joel took them in, set on his feet on the rooftop of another warehouse and obscured from the view of the Watchers by a large air conditioning unit.

"Right," Grian started as he helped Joel lower himself to the ground, "what do they know?"

"Nothing," Joel managed, pressing a hand to his side. The pain flared and he hissed, his tail thumping painfully on the ground. "They drugged me up and beat me, but they know nothing more than what they did going in."

"You sure," Grian checked.

Joel nodded, half out of it. "Properly knocked me out with drugs before they could get anything useful."

"Alright." Grian breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's get back to base so we can get you checked out. Lizzie's been worried sick."

"Aw, so she does care!" Joel muttered, looking up at Grian with half-lidded eyes.

Grian scoffed. "Don't tell her I said that. She'll beat me up."

"Don't worry, babe, I'll keep your secret." Joel smiled, leaning into the avian. Jimmy opened and closed his wings from where he sat, surprisingly quiet.

"I'm beginning to regret rescuing you," Grian grumbled, but he helped Joel stand anyway, supporting him with his arm and wing.

"You love me."

"I guess... babe."


Them <333

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