Rest (TVOS pt. 3) [Xisuma]

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[POV: Xisuma, 1st person]

TW: fluff, implied death (i'M sorRy I'M alLerGic to fLufF kiNDa)


I reached up to rub my eyes, belatedly realizing my helmet was on. The smudge on the glass only got worse as I tried to wipe it off. Giving up, I leaned back in my chair, watching my brother. The only sign of life in his body was his faintly rising and falling chest. Other than that, he appeared to be dead. I sighed, adjusting the blankets. He hadn't moved at all or disturbed the covers. I just need something to do with myself.

"Xiiiiiisuuuuuuuuumaaaaa!" Tango poked his head in, drawing out all the vowels in my name to get my attention.

"Yes, Tango?" I cocked an eyebrow at him, doing my best to look alert despite missing three consecutive nights of sleep. I mean. I've been getting a perfectly normal amount of sleep. "Is something broken?" I ask instead, ignoring his mirrored eyebrow raise.

"Nope," Impulse said, popping the 'p' at the end. His head appeared directly underneath Tango's, leading me to believe they were squished in a very awkward position in my hallway. "We're just trying to figure out why all the phantoms on the server are above your base's skull," he explained innocently.

"Yep," Zedaph said, appearing at the bottom of the pile. "And they're all yours."

"Really." I state. I sigh, rubbing my face and smudging the visor even more. "Well, that's one mystery solved. You can go back to launching anvils or... whatever." I smile tiredly at them, trying to get them to leave so I can wait for Ezra to wake up in peace.

Tango shook his head, accidentally inhaling some of Impulse's hair. He coughed, pushing Impulse down. He squished Zedaph, who squealed in protest, elbowing Tango in the knees. The blond on top grunted, ignoring the other two as they poked each other.

"We have another mystery, X."



"Enlighten me."

"What powers a wild Xisuma?"

"Oh my goodness, gracious me. You've got to be joking."

"Nope." Impulse said, exactly like the first time.

Zedaph pulled out a clipboard. "According to our very scientific calculations and definitely-not-spying evidence, you pulled two consecutive all-nighters before EX showed up."

Impulse continued, reading over his shoulder. "You then spent the next two days organizing your base, sitting next to your brother, and decorating the farms downstairs without any sleep whatsoever."

"Farms are looking great, by the way," Tango added. He cleared his throat and continued. "In addition, you've stopped to eat twice in the last two days, with a single midnight snack yesterday. You've tripped over fourteen pebbles in the dirt path, and waxed the same copper block three times."

"You could have told me something," I mutter, exasperated.

"Yeah, we're telling you right now," Zed announced, squirming into the room. "We need to one, figure out what powers a wild Xisuma, and two, force you to sleep."

"I'm obviously powered just like a normal person," I retort, stifling a yawn. Tango's eyebrow doesn't look like it can go any higher. "And no, I don't need to sleep. I'm perfectly fine and awake. Gods above where did you come from-"

Impulse snickered, having snuck around and climbed on the back of my chair. "More proof that you need to sleep, X!" he shouted, tipping over the chair. "Grab him, boys!"

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