Cursed [Skizz]

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Febuwhump Day 8: "Why won't it stop?" ft. Angel Hybrid!Skizz

It's an ordinary ghost investigation for the GIGS team, with their usual tasks running smoothly as they figure out the ghost together. This comes to an end when Scar finds a cursed object and none of them know what to do with it.

TW: death

Skizz twisted the knob on the parabolic mic, adjusting the volume being output into the headphones. Satisfied, he began sweeping it left and right, listening for the telltale ghostly whispers in his ears. His radio crackled as one of his teammates bumped the push-to-talk button and the house creaked, dust floating through the air. His N-95 mask was perfect for filtering it out, but it also made breathing difficult, so running long distances was painful at best.

"Freezing temps in the garage," Impulse reported, his voice staticky and muffled by the radio and headphones. "I set up the D.O.T.S. and I'm going back for pictures and U.V."

"Can we get a video camera in there?" Grian asked, his voice coming across clearer since he was out in the van. "I need to check for orbs."

Skizz moved one side of the headphones off his ears and lifted the walkie-talkie to his mouth, saying, "Suck it up and get your own camera, Grian!"

"I got the sound sensors down!" Scar announced, coming up behind Skizz, who definitely didn't scream like a little girl. Huffing, the angel hybrid adjusted his headphones and went back to listening to the house, slowly moving towards the garage. He passed Impulse on the way, brushing arms with the demon hybrid in a silent act of camaraderie. It was a miracle of sorts that the two weren't constantly at each other's throats, although much of their behaviour could be attributed to their human halves.

The ghost hissed sweet, dangerous whispers into the parabolic mic and Skizz jumped, switching it off almost immediately. "I got noise on the parabodoctical," he informed the rest of his team, taking off the headset and pulling out the spirit box. "Going in for spirit box while Dippledop's getting the camera."

"Make sure you do it over the radio," Grian commented, stifling a yawn.

"You sound tired, G. Maybe you should do spirit box instead to stay awake."

"Fine, fine," the avian acquiesced, followed by a rustle of feathers as he stood to enter the house with Impulse. "I'm bringing a cruci in, just in case."

"Sounds good," Skizz agreed, taking the time to unlock his tablet and mark off freezing temps. The software automatically removed the ghosts that didn't show that particular evidence, knocking a significant number of ghosts off the list. He entered the garage, blinking as the lasers from the D.O.T.S.competed with the dim, flickering overhead lights. "Hey Scar-face?"

"Yeah?" Scar responded.

"You back at the van?"

"Just got there."

"Cool. Can you grab the ghostwriting book and an EMF reader?"

"Yep. Just gonna pop some pillies first!"

"Awesome, thanks dude!"

Impulse and Grian arrived in the garage. Immediately, Grian went to place down the cruci in the centre of the garage and set up his camera as Impulse shook the U.V. glowstick, searching for fingerprints. Skizz handed the avian his spirit box, brushing their wingtips together. He gave Grian an encouraging smile and left the room, grabbing Impulse by the back of his t-shirt and dragging him out behind him. He was big on physical touch, always ensuring his teammates knew he had their backs through small gestures.

Impulse checked the doors and surfaces in the adjoining laundry room for fingerprints as Grian's muffled voice came through the door, asking the ghost his usual questions, culminating in a massive "WHERE ARE YOUUU???" from the avian. The door creaked open as Grian exited the room, shaking his head.

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