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Well to be absolutely frank, we are practically god. I mean we killed nameless, who was a god of war, we killed the soul of cinder, who was the accumulation of literally every lord, and we killed Grandpa Gael, who ate the fucking dark soul for a snack in order to redraw the world.

So by all means I am making this man overpowered as shit. Except I will actually use logic instead of bullshit like the reader having 6 goddamn semblances like in other books. You are a very skilled and strong knight, the only ability you have is the ability to see through illusions. Mainly because of all the bullshit you've seen in your time. Basically you have insanely good instincts and can tell when you are being fooled by a walking ice cream cone.

(Honestly if other self insert readers are so strong how tf you gonna get fooled by a bitch with a pointy umbrella.)

Looks: It's a self insert so just imagine yourself or whatever the fuck you want to look like.

Weapon: Coiled sword

Just a reminder that this is not the bitch baby version that you get from Ludleth

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Just a reminder that this is not the bitch baby version that you get from Ludleth. This is the Soul of Cinders sword, and as such has every single gimmick. You can cast soul magic, pyromancy, and miracles with this weapon. This also includes the massive annoying explosion whenever you plunge it into the ground! And lastly, it will make like an erect penis and grow double it's size when someone actually manages to challenge you. Basically, WE ARE THE BOSS NOW BITCHES.

Armor: Firelink Set

You have a normal wardrobe by the way

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You have a normal wardrobe by the way. I'll just have you wear whatever I feel like for casual shit and if I get bored and do a filler chapter.

Personality: Comedic genius, relatively positive, and sarcastic as shit. Obviously he's sad on the inside but he's more pissed than sad. It'll be explained later.

Whenever the reader is overpowered and immortal in other stories they are all edgy and pessimistic and shit, but honestly if I was in this situation I would try to make the most of it. Being a happy immortal sounds way better then being some edgelord cunt that thinks randomly going on a vivid and dark explanation of his past is cool.

(Seriously why do they all do that? I find it annoying as shit.)

Likes: Cool ass weapons. A good time. His friends

Dislikes: Unnecessary bullying. Poor manners. Disrespecting the almighty drip.

(Some bullying is actually necessary. If you are doing some dumb shit and think it's fine, you should absolutely be bullied so you can learn your dumbass lesson.)


Years of practice: y/n has honed his skills and instincts to the point nothing can get the drop on him. Even blind or under the influence of illusions, his senses can't be heavily influenced because of how fixed his combat mindset is.

Sword pp long: When you are actually taking something or someone seriously in a fight, your sword will grow double it's size and will gain a metric shit ton more damage.

References: You can and will do bullshit references in a fight to gain the other hand, like stopping time and crushing someone with a road roller, or, yell "bitches love cannons" as a small sythe sniper child kills God with you.


You knew this was coming man every main character has it.

No matter what you say or do, in the end, your friends died, all you could do was prolong the inevitable. Siegeward, your best friend and father figure, dies after your battle with Yhorm in the Profaned capital. Anri, either dies in your marriage ceremony or goes insane because of Horaces death. Well there is also the option to kill Aldrich but either way she leaves. The people you have grown to love and trust die Everytime, leaving you as the sole survivor because of the fact that nothing can challenge you.


Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now