CH43: Quoth the Raven

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This is gonna be a boring ass morning...

As I spoke these words, every god out there gave me a single middle finger with a side of shit in my face. I heard the faint whisper of a summon sign. I turned and there it was, a prominent glow of light around ancient runic text on the ground. I walked up and kneeled down to read the summon sign.

Yang Xiaolong

I smirked and activated the first flame. My armor equiped itself and my sword swirled into existence with a flurry of flame. I raised my empty hand and reached for the summon sign. Accepting it, I felt myself being drifted away to wherever Yang is. Wonder if I might get a fun fight in?



I raised my sword out of anger and it grew into a greatsword. I held it in a two hand stance and pointed it towards the woman in front of me, Raven Branwen. Yang was to my left and, if my senses are as sharp as usual, Weiss was apparently somewhere in the camp as well.

Y/n: Hello Branwen, did you enjoy trying to kill my sister on that train?

Every man around me was armed. It would appear that I was in a forest and this little spot is the Branwen Tribe's camp. Yang had told me about it, but now that I'm here, it looks worse than I imagined.

Raven recovered from her initial shock of my entrance and tried to put on a stone cold, serious act.

Raven: Y/n. Why and how are you here?

Y/n: You can know that after the fight.

A single drop of sweat ran along her forehead.

Raven: That won't be necessary-

Yang cocked her shotgun gauntlets and pointed them at the nearby bandits.

Yang: Actually, I think it's absolutely necessary! Y/n, you get Raven. I can handle the rest.

A woman with short hair and stereotypical bandit clothing stepped forward. She was armed with weird crescent blade smg things. Why are weapons so weird in this world? I didn't even know automatic from firing existed until I got an entire mag shot at my ass from Gael.

???: And how many of us do you think you can handle, Yang.

Y/n: Oh please, stop acting confident. The only source of power here is coming from Raven and a suspiciously cold cage over on the south side of camp.

Raven's eyes widened as she seemingly remembered something.

Raven: The Schnee! Where did she-

A loud noise was heard from the distance. A boom that shook the camp ensued for a moment, followed by a multitude of slashing, screaming, and blasting.

Raven applied fire dust to her odachi and stood guard. Yang did just as her mother, except she was slightly more laid back. I assume having me here has done a number for her confidence.

Then, I felt a slight chill run across my hand and I smirked. Weiss Schnee is here and she has just escaped.

When the violent noises ceased, Raven stepped forward to inspect it but was stopped by a rumbling at her feet. The rumbling grew closer and closer, until finally, a figure emerged from behind a tent.

A fifteen foot tall icy knight stood with an ultra greatsword in his hand. On his shoulder, was a roughened up and pissed off Weiss.

Her original posh, white skirt had been replaced by something more comfortable. A blue top with baggy sleeves and although she still had a combat skirt, it wasn't as tight and obnoxiously rich as her last one.

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