CH8. Character Arc

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Just to clarify, the title is absolutely a pun with Jaune's last name.

Alright well everything has been relatively calm. Well about as calm as team rwby can be but I digress. Jaune has been ditching us to 'hang out' with Cardin. Yeah he's getting blackmailed, and Jesus Christ is it hard to calm Pyrra down when Jaune is bullied. Seriously this chick is a monster.

Today, we have a field trip to the Forever Fall Forest. It's a pretty crappy name but at least it's a good description. As the only member of team embr, I got to go with whoever. I went with team jnpr because although I like team rwby, it's just so shit being the only male. Honestly I would rather go and try to make friends with someone who speaks a different language than be the only male on a team.

Glynda: Go and collect jars of salt and come back here once finished! That will be all.

Pyrra hesitated but asked the obvious question.

Pyrra: Are you going with Cardin, Jaune?

She was fuming, but she held it in as any stressed warrior would.

Jaune: O-oh, yeah I am.

'Your a leader Jaune, act like it.'

Pyrra: Well I'll see you later then.

I'm really going to fuck Jaune up for this. Like come on, she obviously likes him and his bitch ass can't even tell she's sad. The fact that he's a leader kinda disappoints me.

Y/n: Come on, we need extra jars so Nora won't complain about being hungry.

Nora: Aww you know me so well!

Ren: Not really, we just know that you are uncontrollable when your hungry.

She simply hummed and walked towards a nearby tree. I notice Pyrra slouching and she seemed out of it. Damn she really likes Jaune huh? I walk over and try to comfort the battle angel.

Y/n: He will return to you, just give him time.

Pyrra: That seriously doesn't help me missing him.

I give her a slight grin.

Y/n: Oh? Did the warrior Pyrra Nikos actually fall for an Arcsman?

Pyrra gave me a glare of embarrassment.

Pyrra: I-I have no c-clue what you mean.

The smile on my face grew wider as she realized where this conversation was going.

Y/n: Y'know, if you REALLY want him you can always-

As you all expected, I was sent flying by a blast of polarity. I knew about her semblance, and the key to tricking her to use it is to embarrass her. Battle tricks don't work because of her mental training, she is still knew to love however.

I run back to them and I see Nora and Ren looking at me confused as Pyrra was angry and about as red as her hair.

Y/n: Geez Pyrra get your mind out the gutter, I was gonna recommend asking him out.

Pyrra: Shut up and get the sap.

Ren and Nora had been shocked by her aggression and why it was directed at me. Well to explain it, Pyrra had become a good friend of mine over the past few weeks. And despite popular belief, celebrities actually have personalities, just like Pyrra.

She is actually quite talkative and liked jokes. Embarrassed easily and has a very competitive personality. I assume this is because she's always been the better fighter to other people, all she needed was someone that related to being seen differently because of their strength.

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