CH5. Talking Some Sense To A Bitch

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As usual, I wake up and walk over to the closet to get dressed. It's around 7:00 and class starts at 8:00, so I've got time to go and meet the teacher.

I walk to the desk and grab my schedule.

'Oh Professor Port. I'm his assistant if I remember correctly.'

I leave and start heading to the classroom.


I walk in and I don't see anyone. It's a relatively big room with a rows of seats and a stage upfront, for his lesson I assume.

???: Ah hello there young lad!

I turn and see the teacher. He is quite round and is visibly old. He has grey, combed hair and a nicely trimmed mustache.

Port: You are y/n right? As my teachers assistant you will help with preparing lessons and in class help. There is nothing right now though, so you may have a seat and wait for class to start.

I nod and walk to a seat in the classroom. He weirdly reminds you of Siegeward, they would probably get along actually.

I shut my eyes and wait for class to start.

(Timeskip with Y/n listening to ports stories.)

Where the fuck is team rwby? They should be here by now, class just started. As if on cue, the door bursts open, and team rwby and jnpr walk in.

Port: Excellent arrival you 8, however next time please make your introduction on time, please.

You quietly snicker. Ruby looks at you and gives you a small glare. You flash her a grin and the eight begin walking to you.

Ruby: You are the worst, could've at least texted us.

Y/n: Aw but wheres the fun in that?

She sighs and begin playing with her pencils while Port talks.

Port: Monsters, Demons of the night! The Grimm have many names, but I prefer to call them prey!

One student stands up and raises his fist in the hair and yells out, cheering the professor. I smile and join in.

Y/n: Hoorah!

Under the event of pere pressure, students reluctantly join in and the guy gets a round of a applause, he looks at me with gratitude.

Port: I love the energy but I must get on with the class.

The cheers die down and he continues.

Port: You all will learn to call them that too! I am here to give educational lectures and combat training.

He begins telling a story about his first kill of Grimm. You feel a sense of fondness, mostly because Siegeward would tell stories just like this with you and Anri.

Port: And so I ventured out, determined to end the beasts life for the towns safety.

You look over to see a bored Ruby and an infuriated Weiss.

Port: It was a mighty creature but I plunged my axe deep into it's side!

Ruby was now stacking her books to entertain herself. I look back at the even more angry Weiss. I keep paying attention to Port's story, actually enjoying the class.

Port: I headed back to my hometown to tell my family that the threat had been taken care of.

Weiss is now fuming as Ruby kept messing around instead of paying attention.

Port: Now can anyone say that they have the worthy traits to be an excellent hunter?

Me and Weiss both stand up.

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