Another question

757 19 13

Okay so I've been checking my work recently and I've noticed something very important.

I've changed the theme quite a bit. It's not as funny and more dark and brooding. I've replaced my original Deadpool concept for a more darksoulsy thing. Which I get is the point, but I liked my little Deadpool type shtick.

So the question is,

1. Go back to the Deadpool writing.

-More offensive jokes and sexual manner along with some professional erotic literature, if you know what I mean.

-A lot more of Y/n fucking around in fights.

-Fourth wall breaking.

2. Continue with dark and brooding.

-Fits the fanfic category.

-Quicker story development because I'll be focusing on that more than comedy.

-No segs (pussys)

-I'll be able to fit more POVs. And no, I refuse to add Blake's bullshit little menagerie arc. It's stupid, has zero relevancy, and I'll have to deal with you horny fucks asking for a milf trio with Glynda, Raven, and Blake's mom.

Your choice, dear reader.


Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now