CH23. Shot Through The Heart, and Your Names Blake

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Heh, funny title.




Welp I'm unconscious at the moment. I pray to fuck that they managed to carry me to a hospital, or at least an emergency room.

I hope Neo's alright, that woman looked pretty hell bent on kicking her ass.

Oh yeah, the woman. Why was she there?

Ok, there are two possibly reasons she was there.

Either she was there to save Yang, or she was a neutral party and was dealing with Neo after Yang. But the second one is unlikely because she didn't hesitate on kill shots.

Meaning she's likely a protector rather than an opponent.


Her hair was very similar to Yang's, but that's a relatively small detail.
Although her voice... When I managed to get her to talk she sounded a bit more mature than Yang...

Ok so she's possibly family. But which part? Considering the similarities, I'd wager a close family member, either an aunt or mother.

From what Ruby's told me about her uncle and the pictures she's shown me of him, it's more likely to be the mother, due to her visual similarities to Ruby's uncle...

Ok that decides it, I've determined that the woman is Yang's mom.

I'm a fucking genius!

Oh shit I'm waking up...!

I felt my eyes flutter open, then immediately close because the sun was in my face. I let out a groan at the blast of light.

Once I let out the noise, I heard two voices call out to me.

Blake+Ruby: Y/n!

I get up and rubbed my eyes. Once my vision was back I saw myself in a hospital with Ruby and Blake in front of me. I looked down to see my shirtless body covered in bandages.

Y/n: Well I've finally discovered a worse pain than a hangover...

Ruby went over and hugged me. Blake looked like she wanted to as well, but she let Ruby go.

Ruby: Are you ok?!

Y/n: Well maybe a soul crushing hug isn't the best follow up to impalements!

She let out a small squeak and let me go.

Ruby: Sorry!

I let out a gasp of relief and looked up at her.

Y/n: No problem. Why are you two here?

The girls looked offended.

Blake: Well I'm sorry that we actually cared enough to stay and visit!

Ruby: Yeah!

Y/n: Okay well I understand why Rubes is here...

I pointed to the cat in the room.

Y/n: But why are you here, Blake?

Her ears perk up through her bow and Ruby turns and eyes her.

Ruby: Wait he's right... Why are you here...?

She got a bit red and stood up.

Blake: Can I talk to Ruby for a minute?

I pointed at my impaled chest.

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