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I woke up with somewhat distress. Something had been nagging me a bit...

Recently, I have found that the mind scape has gone silent. I lack the ability to speak to the Lords naturally. However I was able to speak with them manually via the coiled sword...


I places the sword on my bed and held my hand out over the hilt. After a brief moment, flames ignited and embers started to bounce across my arms.

I felt my eyes get heavier as I drifted away into the mind scape.

I awoke and saw the five lords just chatting to themselves. We had learned to make peace due to the fact that our souls had been linked.

Y/n: Hello everyone.

They turned and I immediately greeted by Lorian, who had teleported to me. He gave me an inaudible hello and we fist bumped.

He quickly went to teleport Lothric. Who was left behind by his elder brother.

Lothric: Hello Y/n, the new world finally getting to you?

Aldrich: Oh! Any interesting new magic?

Y/n: No, but they have elemental cocaine similar to the essence we enchant our weapons with. Also everyone has a unique power known as a semblance.

Aldrich: Exiting! Mind if I poke around your memories...?

I was alarmed by the mere thought of the lords seeing what me and Ruby had been up to.

Y/n: NO! I mean uhh... That won't be necessary.

Yhorm: What the fuck have you don't to be embarrassed?

Y/n: I managed to half seduce a majority of the females at my school. Two of them have been fully seduced.

Lothric, being the comedic genius he is, decided to fuck with me.

Lothric: Oh...? Do you want to use your nice fiery sword to explore someone's cave of wonders? Do battle with a dangerous dragon?

Y/n: What the fuck is the dragon in this metaphor?

Abysswatcher: Clamidia.

Y/n: And we're done here!

I was about to leave, but was grabbed by a certain crippled grandpa.

Ludleth: Have some manners to the elderly young man! Say your goodbyes!

I let out a light chuckle and embraced Ludleth in a tight hug.

Y/n: Hey gramps, how was your ten century nap?

Ludleth: I'll have you know that if I was in my prime, I would beat the shit out of you.

Aldrich: With how much you speak of your prime, I'm surprised you haven't shown us your memories yet.

Yhorm: Okay enough of that. Y/n, I assume you have reason to being here? I've noticed that you're embered, why did you link manually?

I let out a slow nod and Ludleth shuffled back to his rocking chair.

Y/n: I have been cut off from the greater mind scape. I'm wondering if any of you guys have been too? I don't want to get kicked out because I lit an unnatural fire.

An: Just want really quickly explain the Lord Scape. It's basically one massive discord server for the lords. There's a main area, this is the great scape. Then there are the smaller ones for the lords that are either friends or loners.

They concentrated on the great scape, only to stay in this one. That confirmed my suspicious that they are planning a meeting.

Aldrich: Yeah that's a no... Why do you think they are planning a meeting?

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