CH22. Train Go Choo Choo

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Y/n: Hello Roman, how is your life insurance?

The cane man was a mix of scarfed and pissed. Ruby on the other hand, had stars in her eyes, which quickly turned into a snug grin.

Ruby: Aww! You're protective of me!

I looked at her with a frown.

Y/n: Not the time Rubes!

Ruby: You like it!

Y/n: Just go to the rest of the team.

Ruby: They're here?

Our conversation was rudely interrupted.


I point at him dramatically.

Y/n: DIO!

Roman: Wha-

I rush forward and punch him into a nearby building.

An explosion could be heard nearby. Me and Ruby turned to see the rest of the team beating White Fang members. Blake was holding Ruby's scythe.

Y/n: Go.

Ruby: And what about you?

I give her a smirk.

Y/n: I have a mission, and you are missing your gardening tool.

She punched me.

Ruby: Shut up!

She then ran to the others to retrieve her belongings. I looked back to where I punched Roman and saw that he was missing.

Suddenly, his voice rang out through the intercom. Wait where the fuck is that coming from? There isn't any form of intercom anywhere...

Roman: Get to your stations everyone we are leaving!

The train started up and I looked back to the others. Oobleck gives me a nod and I dash to the train. I cast some magic and turn myself invisible once I boarded.

I was in a room filled with cargo. But it was weird, it was all dust. I cracked open a case and inspected the crystals.

That's weird, they aren't even stabilized... Why would they...?

'Oh no...'


Oobleck: Mountain Glenn was Vale's first major attempt at expansion. They built a city that had an elaborate subway system that ran through the areas many deep caves. Unfortunately, without Vales natural defenses, it was doomed from the start.


That's the fucking plan! They are leading Grimm into the city! It's a fucking allackbar train! They are blowing holes into the damn subways to make a path for the Grimm!

I cut a hole through the wall of the cart and hop on top of the train. I turn back and see team rwby a few carts behind me, while a group of White Fang members where infront of me.

I dash back to the others to give them a warning.

Y/n: It's a suicide bomber! They dust is unstable and the back carts are to blow a hole for Grimm! I can make it to the control room in time, but I would have to shed some blood!

Weiss: Are you insane?! You cant just kill of few dozen criminals!

Y/n: It's them or hundreds, take your pick Schnee!

They all faltered at that. They knew the consequences, and they knew that I would absolutely rush in and murder those men.

Blake: Please Y/n, we can make it...

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now