We've gotta talk about this

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I'm sorry, but this isn't a chapter. In fact, if you love this book, then you'll consider it terrible news.

As I'm sure some of you know, I've stepped away from this book in order to create actual stories. Yes yes, this was technically a story, but I disagree with that idea. You see, this piece of shit was hardly up to my current standards. Y/n had zero personality other than being some powerful guy that makes jokes. Even more so, I hardly did anything with the plot.

Which, once again, I want to address. The plot... Well, since I won't be continuing this, I might give a slight rundown. Though, in all honesty, I think it'd be better to just put the book in a Wattpad orphanage to be adopted. Yeah, that might be a better idea.

I'll think about it, but let's talk to back to the topic. The plotline.

Cinders of Remnant was originally an unoriginal RWBY fic that was outlandishly comical in order to build a following. Other than comedy, I never really enjoyed this story. I love writing gripping stories and dramatic fight scenes. This? The story was dogshit. The main character's only form of character development over the first 30 something chapters is being less of a contagious asshole for the sake of laughs. And the fights. Holy shit, don't even get me started. I said this in Moonlight's Guidance, but having a main character that's overpowered is such a bore. There's no meaning to confrontation if you know the outcome.

Hell, the only time I ever even let the guy get injured was to make a Hellsing Abridged reference.

So yeah, never was all that happy making this.

Now that we're done with the cons of this book, I'd like to look back at what made it tolerable to manifest.

You guys did.

I didn't wake up in the morning after posting to check on views or votes, I was checking comments.  Reading all of your silly bits and rants about stupid shit I typed into a glorified Google docs. That's what motivated me. After a while, if went from "How will this set me aside from other writers?" to "Will this get a shit ton of comments?" All because those comments made writing fun for me.

And I think that by itself set me apart from others. I think that because I was writing for your enjoyment and not for your interest, I was put in the eye of readers. And for a while, I was okay with that.

Then, I realized that I had made something. I believe that it was around the first 100 followers that I got the idea that maybe if I do something truly meaningful, I could build a future. Stupid, right? I mean, making an actual career after being a dipshit that writes mediocre comedy flicks of animated TV shows that its own fans hate.

But then I thought about it. Sure, nobody will be jumping for mediocre comedy, but people will be jumping for good storytelling and thematically gripping characters. So, I started workshopping a story that was decently entertaining, but has a story that at least a few people will be interested in.

Enter Moonlight's Guidance. My first actual attempt at a book with development, original characters on top of old ones, with revamped personalities that fit my vision instead of the Fandom's. And honestly, its going fucking great. I'm enjoying writing, the pacing is good, and I've got plenty planned with a follow up book planned soon.

Not to mention that I have plenty of ideas for short stories that I write for funnies. For example, I've started working on a project for Risk of Rain 2. Man, am I excited for that. Also a Gungeon fic which may or may not be coming within the next year and a half or so.

Point is, I'm popping the fuck off. And as sad as it is to let my oldest child go, it's gotta happen. Cinders of Remnant has no place for future plans in my books.

So, it with a wee bit of sadness that I put this story up for adoption. What does this mean? It means that the idea of Cinders of Remnant, meaning the MC, the character personalities etc are now publicly available. You yourself can create your own book set within this universe and call it your own.

That being said, I have rules. While it's optional, I would like at least a little recognition for the story. Just a small "Oh yeah, it's kinda inspired by MehFuckIt" will do. However, here's the actual rules.

If you do choose to adopt my book, you can and will be subjected to approved cyber bullying. And I'm saying this straight up. If I find somebody that makes this shit show even worse, imma laugh at you in the comments.

And that's kinda it. I'm sorry for everyone that loved this, but it's time for me to put my foot down on the Overwatch PvE of the MFIFU(MehFuckIt Fictional Universe).

That being said, I encourage any writers to be better.

Oh, and if you do write, just in general, please take my advice.




That's it tho. Cya boys, I'm sorry.


(Haha this is the 69th entry of the book. Nice)

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