CH34. Aftermath

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The aftermath wasn't easy. We all lost something during the fall, whether it be someone, something, or even a piece of ourselves.

I waited, just as I had been for the past few days. My routine had been as follows: Check on Yang, then Neo, help Tai, then wait next to Ruby.

I knew she wasn't dead or in a coma, simply healing from the toll of using her bullshit silver eye ability.

My silent thoughts were cut off by my sister, know in both name and relation.

Y/n: Hey Neo, sleep well?

She took a seat next to me. I turned and saw her in her usual outfit, but she had made a slight adjustment.

She now wore Roman's bowler hat and always kept his cane with her. God knows what will happen if that thing suddenly snaps one day.

Neo: Hey bro, she getting better?

Y/n: She's fine, I'm simply waiting for her to wake up.

Neo: Been a rough few weeks, have you casted regeneration magic?

I slowly shook my head.

Y/n: Regeneration won't help, she needs rest.

Neo gave me a comforting side hug.
Apparently, she felt reminiscing was the best remedy for the moment.

Neo: Remember when we first met? How we simply talked on the roof?

I chuckled at the memory.

Y/n: And sparring to blend in the fight? Yes, of course I do.

Neo: That was the greatest day of my life Y/n, to think that the job was optional.

Y/n: Fate must've said fuck it.

Neo: Could you not refer to our meeting as a fuck it?

I let out a small laugh, and she let out a small, nearly inaudible mumble of joy.

Y/n: Your vocals are getting better, I think I heard the world's most quiet laugh.

She gave me a slug on the shoulder and blew a raspberry at me. She then got up and grabbed her cane.

Neo: I will be making lunch downstairs, try and get Yang to eat with us.

Y/n: Will do.

She walked off to work on lunch for the day. Tai, Ruby's father, was out at the supermarket getting groceries.

Oh right, I have to explain that part.

We are currently in Patches (unfortunately it as breakable).

After the fall, I brought Ruby, Neo, and Yang here. Tai understood and kept me and Neo here on the deal that we helped around the house, which we graciously accepted.

Yang is still recovering from the dismemberment. Blake choosing to leave her right at the end certainly didn't help, but I've done my best and she's relatively stable.

I gave a kiss on the sleeping rose's head and walked to check on Yang.

I started with a knock at the door, making sure not to startle the now fuseless firework.

Yang: Come in...

I stood in and took a seat next to Yang on her bed rest.

Y/n: Sup, wanna Yang out for dinner?

Yang: Can you politely slug yourself? I'm missing the fist.

I humored her and gave myself a tap on the arm.

Y/n: How are you doing?

Yang: As well as I can be, mostly thanks to you.

Y/n: Well I try my best.

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