CH3. My Friend Exploded

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I get up and get dressed. This has been my morning routine for the past week. I bought this device called s scroll (A phone wrist watch). Yeah the more I think about it the more I convince myself that not killing is boring.

Well todays the day I go to Beacon academy. Bacon academy? Ooooh bacon for breakfast sounds good. I walk into the lobby to grab some food and leave the inn. The message on the scroll said to meet at (insert random address).

I get to my location and see a bullhead with people gathered around for boarding. One of these people was Ruby. She was standing next to a tall blonde girl, I figure that's her friend. I walk over and greet them.

Y/n: Hey Red.

She turns around and gives me a big grin.

Ruby: Hey y/n!

???: Ooh does my little sister have a boyfriend?

Ruby gives her a light slug on the arm.

Ruby: Yang!

She calms herself and gives her sister a smile. Wait sister? Damn they definitely aren't related and i will let you guys figure out why I think that. (Tibbies)

Ruby: No we met the other day at the robbery. He helped me stop it.

Yang: Oh that was you? She hasn't stopped talking about it sense she got home.

Y/n: Yeah it was a nice fight. My names y/n l/n.

The bullhead starts and the pilot walks out.

Pilot: All people heading for Beacon academy please board!

We walk in and take a there were only two seats available.

Yang: Oh y/n can I sit on your lap~?

She said this in a seductive voice. We don't know each other so I assume she's joking. Me being a massive 'fuck it', I flirt back.

Y/n: Maybe when your sister isn't here~.

Cha Cha real smooth.

Oh look a scythe.

And it's heading towards me.

Wait it's heading towards me.

I duck and dodge the blade aiming for my head as a flurry of roses come at me and I suddenly feel light tapping on my chest. I look down and see Red punching it with her semblance.

Y/n: Aww that's cute Rubes.

I tap her back and she falls to the ground on her knees.

Y/n: But you are nowhere near ready to do damage to me.

She gets back up and sits next to Yang, pouting as she does so. I look to her left and see Yang laughing her ass off in delight.

Yang: Oh you are the fucking BEST!


After that ordeal we start having light conversation to pass time on the flight. I notice that there's a blonde boy that looks rather green. Damn, motion sickness.

Ruby: I don't wanna be the bees knees! I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees!

Y/n: Hey can you give me a second I'm gonna go help the blonde guy before he pukes.

They give me a nod and I walk over to him.

Y/n: Hey buddy you need some help? You're not looking to hot.

Blondie: Anything you *concerning body noise* can do to help will be *more concerning noise*  appreciated.

I nod and take out my sword and cast a small healing miracle around him. The golden light begins disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

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