CH13. Food Fight

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I walked into the cafeteria and got my food. Mmm, chicken. I walk over to my friends and we just start talking. Well everyone except Blake, she seemed content aimlessly staring at her journal, Yang takes notice of this and acts accordingly.

Yang: Whatcha looking at?

Blake snaps out of it and closes the obviously personal item.

Blake: Just some notes.

Nora throws a grape at Yang and she catches it in her mouth while giving Nora a thumbs up.

Yang: Lame.

Ruby then comes from... under the table? And is that the fucking amendments because holy shit that is a massive binder. She slams said binder on the table and begins talking dramatically.

Ruby: Sister! Friends! Weiss!

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: 4 score and seven minutes ago I had a dream!

Yang and Y/n: This outta be good...

Nora throws a grape at Yang again and Yang misses the fruit, resulting in a frustrated growl at Nora.

Ruby: I had a dream that all of us would ban together and have the funnest day ever!

Y/n: Oh God I'm going to be holding shopping bags the entire time...

Blake: Yeeeeaaah... I think I'm going to skip out on this one.

Yang: It's a team thing Blake, you can't just skip.

Weiss stood up and started talking.

Weiss:Well I for one thin-

She was immediately interrupted by an apple pie to the face. We all collectively looked at Nora, who simply pointed at Ren, who had his face laid down on the table. Pyrra and I lock eyes and we silently agree on what will happen today.


Screams of terror ensued as food was sent flying everywhere in a messy craze. After a few minutes all teams had cleared out of the cafeteria, except three.


She was standing on top of a massive pile of weirdly stacked chairs. Pyrra was a few lower, then Ren, and lastly Jaune. The order was in terms of strength if you didn't notice.

I looked to my right and say a red hooded idiot stand up and grab a milk carton. She then proceeded to crush said carton and declared the war.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!!

Everyone rushed forward and fought in there own way. Jaune and Ren held back and catapulted watermelons. Blake grabbed two baguettes and rushed at Pyrra, who was also holding a baguette.

There is a poor French joke to be made, but I am of a higher status than to engage in such common Comedic etiquette.

The two clash and are locked in a stalemate with Blake holding her ground in a cross stance, while Pyrra tries to overcome her with a downward strike.

Yang rushed in and delivered a brutal punch on Jaune, and as you would guess, he got Tyron Woodleyd. Yeah he fucking tooted up and didn't get up.

Blake is thrown away and Pyrra rushes with Ren at Yang. Weiss then comes in and sprays a bottle of ketchup on the ground, causing the two to slip and fall in the sticky sauce.

Nora then takes it upon herself to join the battle. She jumps up and rips of a banner post from the hall walls. She then jumped down and stuck it in a watermelon to make a fucking great-hammer. Of course she did...

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