CH11. Illegal? Probably.

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Alright well it's been all weekend and Blake is still being Blake. This means that I'm bailing team rwby out and finding her. Now how should I start?

Oh yeah that'd probably work.

I will out my scroll and start texting Blake.

Emo Cat Mf

Y/n: Yo need some help with illegal

Emo Cat Mf: Yeah me and Sun are going to infiltrate a White Fang recruiting meeting. Wanna come?

Y/n: Sure and who tf is Sun?

Emo Cat Mf: The monkey faunas

Y/n: Ok can I get the address?

Emo Cat Mf: (Random ass warehouse)

Y/n: Ok be there in a bit

I put away my scroll and start heading there. Man team rwby is a bunch of dumbasses. If she has problems with the White Fang, just help her with her White Fang problems. Ez win.

I pass by team rwby as I'm leaving.

Ruby: Y/n! Any luck with Blake?

Y/n: Nope. I'm going to the city to find her. Shouldn't take me long.

Ruby: Oh can we come?

Y/n: Eh fuck it why not.

Yang: Should I pack snacks or are we gonna grab something in town?

I take out my wallet and see the bountiful collection of fucking nothing.

Y/n: Yeah I'm dirt poor so I'll just steal from a 7/11 on the way there.

Weiss: No! Stealing is a crime! We're training to be huntsmen!

Y/n: It's a 7/11! Everyone has stolen from a 7/11 before!

Yang and Ruby collectively nod.

Weiss: Ugh, of course you two would agree!

Yang: Calm your lack of tits, Ice queen. I'll pay for fast food after we find Blake.

Y/n: Hah! No tits!

Weiss takes out her rapier and points it at the part that shall not be named.

Weiss: You want a family y/n?

Y/n: Aww that's cute.

I summon my sword and it grows into an Ultra greatsword.

Y/n: You think you're a threat!

Weiss: Your sword is quite annoying.

It grows to normal and I will it away.

Y/n: You are not the first to say that and you will never me the last! Oh such lovely tears...

The bullhead arrives and we start heading into town.

Ruby: Sooooooooooo, anything cool happen recently?

Yang: I managed to beat Nora in an arm wrestle.

Y/n: With or without throwing a temper tantrum?

Yang gives me a proper slug on the arm.

Yang: I hate you.

We all laugh at her expense, like good friends wood.

Weiss: Well I've been trying new types of glyphs. I can make one that slows falling now.

Y/n: That's actually useful for whenever Ruby forgets that she can't handle mach speed.

Ruby: Hey! It's easy to forget in the heat of the moment.

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